chapter 9: The responsibility of an ambassidor

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A few days after that all was normal. Fiora is still in her office signing papers for the company of Laurent, Leone is preparing lunch for the family, Fiora's siblings were doing there own buisness

Leone walked towards Fiora's office with a tray in hand, on the tray is her favorite coffee. Leone reached the office door and knocked twice signaling the one inside that its him

"Come in" said Fiora

Leone opened the door and entered there he saw Fiora and a mountain of her paper works, he placed the cup next to her

"Milady Fiora" he said getting the attention of the said female, "I brought your espresso"

She puts her quill pen down and drinks the coffee, meanwhile Leone filed most of her paper works, after Fiora was done with her coffee, Leone had already finished the filing

"Thank you Leone" she said with a smile on her face, "your the most helpful aid I ever had"

Leone smiled and stood beside her, there he saw the thing she was doing

"Computing the cost of finance and total income of the company I see?" He smiled at her but he then saw a mistake on her computation, "you should carry the two here"

Fiora looked at the part where the said male was pointing and noticed in her computation, she had and saw it had a mistake

"Oh that should make sense!" Fiora said with a glint in her eyes, "how did you noticed that flaw in my conputation?"

"Well...." He stopped a bit, "I just saw it as incomplete, so I pointed it out"

Fiora was about to ask but someone knocked on the door

"Madam Fiora?" said a maid

"Yes? Come in" she ordered and changed her persona to her always serious one

"There are guests for Mr. Leone, maam" said the maid, "they said that they have important buisness with tue embassidor"

"Let them in" Fiora ordered and the maid agreed with a bow and closed the door before she left

"Uhm.... Milady?" Leone asked with a hint of pink on his cheeks

"Mhh? Yes? Leone?" Fiora asked noticing the pink hue on Leone's cheek

"Last night..... Did we just...." He was hesitant to say the thing in hid mind, "did we had a made out session?"

Fiora glowed crimson due yo the fact that Leone asked her

"Lets just forget about last night" she said hiding ger blush, "it will hinder our job"

Leone looked at Fiora's face and it looked like she was hurt with what she said and so was the said male


"Good morning Fiora" cheered Lux as she was sitting down on a couch with Katarina on her right, "glad you can join us"

"This is my household, Crownguard!" Fiora said with a hint of venom

"Hosh posh" Lux sqid waving her hand, "me and Kata here, is supposed to tell Leone to make a treaty with the Freljord clan"

"We are not that close Crownguard!!" Said Katarina with a hint of hate, "You have no previllage of calling me that name!!!"

"Freljord?" Asked Leone, "the one where Ashe Avarosa the head of the clan of Avarosa is?"

Both Lux and Katarina looked at him with confusion

"How the hell do you know that?!" Asked Katarina, "not even the historians know who is the head of the clan of Avarosa is?!"

The new Duelist of Valor ( Fiora x Oc) [League of Legends fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now