League of Legends champion spotlight

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Welcome to the League of Legends champion spotlight, featuring: Marcus; the last of the dragon knights

Equiped with his Dragon blade and the blessings of the legendary dragon knight of Revenant, Marcus can be a brutal, quick, and slippery tank focused on taking damage and dishing it out twice. He can be a quick duel oriented solo lane champ, a slippery Jungler or an Ability power oriented support. When he gets in his desired role Marcus can be pure unkillable from the get go.

Suggested stats:
Ability power.

Before we start with his skills lets talk about his sword, his sword is known as: Nuevelle Vague, and it is your starting item and it is unsellable through the duration of the game, once you unlocked your ultimate it will upgrade itself automatically to Overlord Saber that boosts one stat at random, once reaching Level 18 it will upgrade to Vortex Desire boosting Marcus' skills and can store charges once you hit an enemy champion and heals Marcus by the percentage of his health

His passive is called: HEART BEAT OF GIANT DRAGON

this ability grants Marcus to be a bit tanky even if you build him with Ap items. There are two parts of his passive the offensive stance and the defensive stance

The defensive stance will activate once your Idle or sitting under a turret or just waiting for the next minion wave, it heals you by the amout of attack damage or ability power you have and it will help you survive once your  waiting for a team fight, soloing a turret or just escaping the enemies grasp

The offensive stance will only activate as a life steal, even before you have se life steal items, this little ability will store charges once killing a minion, turret or an enemy champion. He will heal himself by the amout of charges (x 50). Though even using his passive he is killable because defensive stance will only activate once he is idle and the offensive stance will only activate once your fighting another enemy, so once running your passive is unable to be of effect, or taking damage

Q: CLAW OF HAERMO (10 Mana cost) [5.5 seconds cool down]

The claw of haermo is Marcus' primary steriod ability and has both passive and active effects

Passively it grants bonus attack damage and a movement speed buff once he is running for 5 seconds
Actively his sword will glow a Red hint in color and grants him a movement speed boost, attack damage buff and the ability to use true damage of the three next basic attack, but if the target is a bit far away Marcus' jumps towards the location near his initial target stunning all enemies for a short period of time, also that this ability can let you jump over walls and obstacles for a clean get away or can be an efficeint gap closser

Note that once this ability is active, it will dispell any heavy Cc, slows, Taunts, grabs and roots. Though keep in mind for every heavy Cc it will decrease mana but once you hit an enemy champion while your hit with any kind of Cc it will grant you the same type of Cc as the one that targeted Marcus, but will only be available with two hits. I take claw of Haermo at level one and max it at level 9

W: Fang of Critias (20 mana cost) [20 seconds cool down]

Once activated Marcus sends out a dragon head shape skill shot that hooks the enemy towards him, but its range is not that far and due to the fog of war, if you activated it again while dragging someone to there untimely demise, you can pull yourself to them instead of being like Thresh's Q Marcus can drag his enemy to him instantly, but once you activate the ability again you get teleported with a stunned target at his side. I take Fang of Critias at Level 2 and max it last

E: EYE OF TAMAIAS (10 mana cost)  [5 seconds cool down]

Passively this handy little ability puts wards to any brush Marcus moves to and these wards are called: Eye of the dragon, it is similar to the control wards, your team can also use it for skills and summoner spells, if your Jungling level up this skill second for dissipating the fog of war.
Once active any near by enemy champion near Marcus will be tagged and rooted, when they're tagged there Health will be witled down slowly. I take this skill at Level 3 and max it second

R: UNITED WE STAND (100 mana cost) [ 30 second cool down]

Once this Ultimate is activated Marcus becomes a damage tanking Juggernaut, and if activated Marcus will yell: UNITED WE STAND. The ability works as a power booster to not Just Marcus but his entire team, and it will only effect everyone on one lane, boosting there Health, Attack damage and attack speed but this power boost only last for 30 seconds so initiate a team fight wisely

Once he activates this ability he will signal everyone to go to the same lane he is in, then if they do go they get a buff named United and gets a fraction of the same power boost as Marcus does

Plus keep in mind that you may become a Juggernaut but only for a short time, also keep in mind if you die with "united we stand" active, its cool down duration will be tripled to 120 seconds before using, you also get a debuff for the duration of the cool down. Like any Ultimate, take a point at Level: 6, 11, and 16

Since Marcus is a Damage dealer focus on being Vanguard and tanking enemy blows so drag your opponent or teleport using: Claw of Haermo or Fang of Critias, once you get close activate your E instantly rooting everyone in place. And once your team gathers for a team fight trigger "UNITED WE STAND" to get the power up bonus, overpowering the enemy team and killing everyone in sight

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