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Spencer's POV
I'm so stupid. Why did I say that to Hanna, she's never going to forgive me for this. Maybe I should do an abortion too, I mean I can't raise a baby on my own can I? I go on my checkup tomorrow and then I ask if I can get an abortion.

Then I heard a knock on the door, I went to open and there stood Toby. He was clearly drunk and I was afraid he would do something to me.

Spencer: Toby, what are you doing?
Toby: what do you think I'm doing?!!!!
Spencer: I don't know.
Toby: you are a stupid slut. (Toby slaps Spencer 5times and then he leaves).

Yep, I'm totally having that abortion, I can't even take care of myself.

Next day

At the doctors appointment

Doctor: before I start is it something you want to ask?
Spencer: yes, I was wondering if I still can do an abortion?
Doctor: you can do it, but first we're going to do your 5 week check.
Spencer: okay

Skip 5 minutes
Doctor: I'm sorry Spencer, you can't have an abortion because you're having twins!
Spencer: Are you fucking kidding me?!
Doctor: you should probably tell the dad.
Spencer: that's not a good idea.
Doctor: okay, you don't have to.
Spencer: can I go now?
Doctor: yes, you may go now.
Spencer: thank you.

To: Aria, Hanna, Emily and Alison.
SOS meet me at the brew.

Aria: what do you want to talk about Spence?
Spencer: I felt so bad to Han, so I wanted to do an abortion, it wasn't only because of Han it was because of Toby too. But I'm having twins so I can't do an abortion😭. What should I do??? And on that note Toby is not an option to help, he slapped me😭.
Hanna: I'm sorry Spence.
Spencer: it's not your fault.
Emily: I love you guys no matter what❤️
Everyone: same^^^^

A/N it's Bianca here Hope you liked the chapter👏 you guys mean so much to me, without you I wouldn't be able to write this book. Love you guys❤️

Until we meet again

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