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"Mona💫 added Mike🤷🏼‍♀️, Hanna💄, Caleb💻,Spencer🤓, Toby🚔, , Aria😍, Ezra☀️, Emily and Alison💍 to a group chat"
"Mona changed the name to Squad goals"

Mona💫: can we change or emojis?
Spencer🤓: sure, that works for me.
Mona💫: Okay, your partner choose a new emoji to you. Me and Mike start. I choose 😜.
Mike😜: thanks, baby. I choose 🤰🏻.
Mona🤰🏻: just because I'm pregnant😂😂😂 anyways Haleb are next.
Hanna💄: 🅰️
Caleb🅰️: why though😞, anyways I choose 💅🏻
Hanna💅🏻: Okay, Spoby's turn👌
Spencer🤓: I choose 😴
Toby😴: I fucking hate you Spence😒 but I choose 🔪 because Spencer should kill herself.
Spencer🔪: Am I hearing you right??? I get that you're mad at me but that was really low!!! Even for you, but rules are rules so I guess I got to have a knife as an emoji😒 anyways Ezria's turn🤷🏻‍♀️
Ezra☀️: I choose 🤷🏻‍♀️ bc I don't know how I feel about her right know.
Aria😍: I choose 🍰 bc he loves pie. Emison's turn🙌
Emily✨: I choose 🍫 for Ali, bc she LOVES chocolate😜
Alison💍: I choose 🤳🏻 bc she's on her phone all the time😂
Emily🤳🏻: I'm not
Alison🍫: yes, you are
Emily🤳🏻: no I'm not
Alison🍫: yes you are
Emily🤳🏻: okay, fine I give up.
Alison🍫: yay
Emily🤳🏻: 😂

Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to do a chapter where they changed their emojis because I was not happy with some of the old. Anyway hope you have had a good week so far. Mine has been pretty good actually. Hope you enjoyed this chapter❤️😜

Until we meet again💖

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