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Spencer's POV
I was on my way to my mom and dad's house when I received a message from an unknown number. Weird, it's signed with a C not an A. The only person I know of who has a C in their name is Charlotte and Caleb. But it's not Charlotte because she's dead. So according to my thoughts Caleb should be C/A. What if he already has told my mom and dad about the twins and that I'm gay. Oh, fuck I'm screwed. After walking 5 minutes I was in front of the house and knocked on the door. My mom opened. "What are you doing?" I said to get the conversation going for a while. "Oh, cut the crap Spence" my mom said. "What do you mean?" I said and pretended to be shocked. "Caleb went by today.. he said something about you being pregnant with twins... care to explain?" She said. Good, she doesn't know I'm gay yet. Oh, he also said that you were gay, so start explain now. "Okay, yes I'm pregnant with twins and I'm gay" I said. "How did you get pregnant?" She said. "In the usual way" I said. "Okay, who do you have a crush on right now? You can say a girl because it doesn't matter to me that your gay, I just want to know who it is" mom said. "I have a crush on Aria and she has a crush on me" I said. "Okay, Spence just so you know I love you no mater what" she said. " I love you too and see you soon" I replied and went home.

"Spencer🤓 added Aria😍, Hanna💄 and Emily to a group chat.

Spencer🤓: hey guys.
Aria😍: what's up Spence?
Spencer🤓: I think I know who C aka new A is.
Hanna💄: me too.
Emily✨: I'm confused🤷🏼‍♀️
Aria😍: who is C then?
Hanna💄: name the people you know who starts with a C.
Aria😍: Caleb is the only one I can come up with.
Spencer🤓: Yes and that means Caleb is new A.
Emily✨: so you're saying Caleb is A?
Hanna💄: yes, that's exactly what we're saying.

Caleb is A😱😱😱 I'm sorry for the short chapter again. But I promise you'll the next chapter is going to be longer👌

Until we meet again

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