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"Aria😍 added Hanna💄, Alison💍, Mona💫, Emily and Spencer🤓 to a group chat". Aria named the group chat to "girl power❤️"

Aria😍: what's up?
Hanna💄: nothing much, and you?
Aria😍: nothing, I'm bored.
Emily✨: isn't that a classic Hanna Marin line? Why did you take her line Aria? She's always bored😂 not you😂
Alison💍: true tho😂👏
Mona💫: 👆👆👆
Spencer🤓: okay, so what do you wanna do?
Aria😍: movie night?
Spencer🤓: sure, that works for me.
Emily✨: me too.
Alison💍: count me in😜
Mona💫: can I come too?
Aria😍: sure.
Hanna💄: I'm in😊

"Toby🚔 added Caleb💻 and Ezra☀️ to a group chat".

Ezra☀️:The girls are going to have a movie night at Emily's so I thought we could do something together👏
Toby🚔: sure, what shall we do?
Caleb💻: we can have a Mario kart 8 competition?
Ezra and Toby: good idea man.
Toby🚔: we can be here if you want?
Ezra and Caleb: sounds good we'll be there in 15.

The next day

Aria😍: the hunger games was so good🙌
Alison💍: yes, you can watch that movie again and again and again and never get tired of it🙌
Hanna💄: so have you heard the news?!
Emily✨: nah, what is it?
Hanna💄: Mona is pregnant😱
Spencer🤓: with who's baby?
Hanna💄: this is shocking news but Mike is the dad😞
Aria😍: Mike? As in my little brother Mike?!
Hanna💄: yes😞
Mona💫: sorry, Aria😞
Aria😍: you don't have to say that you're sorry, I was just a bit shocked.
Mona💫: Okay
Spencer🤓: so how does it feel to be pregnant??
Mona💫: The morning sickness is really bad but other than that it's fine.
Aria😍: so everybody except Mona, Ali and Em is single and ready to mingle??!!
Hanna and Spencer: we're pregnant Ar we can't mingle.
Aria😍: right, I forgot about that😂
Hanna💄: it's not funny.
Aria😍: Sorry not sorry.

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't updated in a week. My mom is in the hospital, and they have looked at her and figured out what's wrong. She's okay now, but they're just doing some more small tests. And that's why I haven't updated in so long. I also had a bit writers block, but I'm going to start update more again, not as I did before but maybe 2-3 times a week. Right now it's 1.30am where I live and I can't sleep. Always remember that I love you guys❤️

Until we meet again🙌

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