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"Spencer🔪 added Hanna💅🏻, Aria🤷🏻‍♀️,
Mona💫, Alison🍫, Emily🍿, Toby😴, Caleb😎, Ezra🍰 and Mike😜
to a group chat"

Spencer🔪: hi guys
Hanna💅🏻: hi Spence
Mona💫: why did you add Aria in this group?
Spencer🔪: I don't know
Alison🍫: can you remove her?
Spencer🔪: that's a bit too much don't you think?
Emily🍿: Spence, she has called you a bitch and done a lot of stupid things
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: oh shut it Em, you've done bad things too
Emily🍿: yes, but at least I can confess what I've done and you can't
Mike😜: Aria why do you always want to start a fight?
Ezra🍰: you're just a mean bitch
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: okay, first, if you don't want me to call you a bitch why are you calling me a bitch? Second of all, I'm not mean
Spencer🔪: yes you are
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: no I'm not
Toby😴: I agree with Aria
Spencer🔪: you only agree with Aria because you hate me
Toby😴: true
Caleb😎: you're so annoying Toby
Toby😴: I'm annoying? If somebody is annoying, it's Spence
Alison🍫: Oh shut up Toby you're just salty that Spencer broke up with you
Emily🍿: shit is bout to go down
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: for real Em
Emily🍿: what??
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: shit is bout to go down.. nobody uses that anymore
Emily🍿: too bad because I do
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: you don't have to be so angry, I just said that nobody uses that anymore
Ezra🍰: clearly Em do, so leave her alone Ar
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: okay take a chill pill
Caleb😎: no we're not because you need to stop being such a bitch
Spencer🔪: agreed 100%
Mona💫: Aria, we wanted to give you a chance and you mistreated it so it's not our fault. You're free to leave this group whenever you want
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: okay, but I'm going shopping now so bye
All the others: bye

Hey guys💖 I'm so sad that it's just 7 chapters left😭😭 this is my first wattpad book and I never thought I could write so much in English😹 but hope y'all liked this chapter💖

Until we meet again💖

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