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5 years later

Hanna's P.O.V

It's been five years since Aria died, I haven't talked to the girls in five years. We all have moved on. But I asked them to meet me at the brew today because I miss them so much and I know they miss me as much. We're finally going to meet Spencer's twins and I'm so hyped. I'm married to Mike now and I couldn't be happier. The only thing missing from my life is the girls. I miss them so fucking much.


Spencer's P.O.V

"Come on girls time to go" I said.

"We're coming" Amanda my youngest daughter said. Okay, it's only by a couple minutes but that still counts.

"Good" I said.

"Mom where are we even going?" Sara my other daughter said.

"We're going to the brew and meet some of mom's old friends" I answered.

"Okay" they said.


Emily and Alison's P.O.V

Today we're going to meet Hanna and Spencer for the first time in five years and it's so nervous. Are they looking different? How's Spencer's twins? Who is the godmother? And questions like that. Oh shit, it's only 20 minutes left. We better run.


Hanna's P.O.V

Okay, it's exactly 12pm and they should be here by now.

"Boo" I heard someone say, I turned around and saw Spencer and her twins.

"Hi Spence, I've missed you so much" I said.

"I've missed you too Han" she answered.

"So what's the twins names?" I asked and then I heard someone coming.

"Amanda and Sara" Spencer answered and a big smile spread on her lips. I looked behind me and saw Em and Ali. We pulled in to a group hug.

"So what has happened? I mean we haven't talked in 5 years" I said.

"Me and Toby are together again" Spencer answered.

"Emily and I are married" Alison said.

"Why didn't you tell me, I would've loved to be there" I said with a bit sadness in my voice.

"We're so sorry, we didn't know if we could call you or not because we hadn't talked in a long time" Emily said.

"It's okay" I said and hugged them. "Gosh I missed you guys so much"

"We missed you too" they said.

"So what have you been up to?" Spencer asked me.

"Me and Mike got married" I answered.

"Congrats Han" they said.

"Thanks girls" I hugged them and they hugged back. "I need to go now but we talk soon okay?"

"Of course, my biggest mistake in life was the day I stopped talking with you guys" Spencer said.

We all started crying and promised each other we would see each other soon again.

Hi guys💞 sorry I haven't updated in a month. I've just been busy with a lot of test and that kind of things. I'm so sad that this is the last chapter😭😭😭
If you want you can read some of my other books but that is totally optional.
Love you all💞

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