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"Spencer🔪 added Hanna💅🏻, Emily🍿, Alison🍫, Aria🤷🏻‍♀️, Mona🌙, Toby😴,
Caleb🕶, Ezra🍰 and Mike😜 to a group chat". Spencer🔪 changed the group name to "Drama and shit"

Spencer🔪: if you'll wonder why I named it Drama and shit it's because I love saying "that's some deep shit" and our group contains lots of drama
Hanna💅🏻: thanks for the lesson Spence
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: hey don't be so mean to my gf
Spencer🔪: since when am I your gf?
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: since today
Spencer🔪: really Ar
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: yeah
Toby😴: do you want me to beat you or something?!!!
Spencer🔪: touch her and you die
Toby😴: are you fucking threatening me??!!!!
Spencer🔪: I guess so
Toby😴: you know I'm a cop right?!!!
Spencer🔪: then start act like one!!!!
Emily🍿: oh I sense some drama here, let me grab my popcorn🍿
Mona🌙: yeah, I agree with Spencer. You beat her and you drive when you're drunk. Wouldn't want the cops know that, would we?
Toby😴: you wouldn't dare, bitch
Mona🌙: what are you going to do about it? Kill me? Beat me? Arrest me?
Toby😴: idk
Mona🌙: wow such a mature cop you are
Spencer🔪: damn Mona, I really like your dark side
Mona🌙: thanks I guess
Mike😜: Hanna and I have an announcement to make
Hanna💅🏻: we're engaged
Mona🌙: wtf
Caleb🕶: yeah I agree, wtf
Spencer🔪: you have been together for like a day and you're already engaged!!!!! I'M DISAPPOINTED IN YOU TWO
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: It's never a good sign when Spencer uses large letters so if I were you two I would expect a knock on your door from someone angry
Emily🍿: did you just diss the love of your life Ar
Aria🤷🏻‍♀️: maybe
Hanna💅🏻: I've made up my mind there's nothing that could change how I feel about Mike
Alison🍫: fine

• Two updates in a day • I'm proud •
Thank you guys so so so so much for 1k reads. It's amazing. I never thought I would reach 1000 reads. I love you guys💖

Until we meet again💜

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