Onesided!Kousei x Violinist!Male!Reader

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first things first, I'm not going along the your lie in april plot because reasons and secondly I was postponing writing this until I finished your lie in april but screw it I'm doing it now even if I'm on episode 6 okay so if it's bad don't blame me!!!! also Kaori isn't a thing in this au thing but not really okay

Kousei Point Of View 

He was the one I loved. But I knew he'd never love me back. He was perfect; the best violinist I've ever seen. We were going to be perfect together, the pianist and violinist. But it never happened.

"Oi, Kousei! Y'all see 'er?" (Y/n) whispered to me, pointing at Tsubaki who was a few lunch tables away.

"Yeah, I know her. She's my childhood friend." 

He gawked at me, not believing I knew her. 

"HUH?!" He yelled, causing some of the students to look at us. 

I nudged him. "Shut up," I said, "You're attracting everyone's attention." 

He smirked. "It's good to know I'll get everyone's attention," (Y/n) put his hand on his chin, "'cause I'll get the attention of all the girls! Ha!" 

I sighed and looked away from him, happy that no one was looking at us anymore. He tapped my shoulder.  

"So, uh, can you introduce her to me?" He asked, talking about Tsubaki. 

"I guess." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Ah, thanks, man!" He smiled, warming my heart. 

Yes, I did love the violinist known as (Y/n), but he was a flirty person to girls. If I'd ever ask him out, he'd think it was a joke and laugh it off. Only if he knew I was really serious he'd understand. I never told him I was gay yet, but I'm planning on it soon enough. I knew he wasn't homophobic because we once saw a gay couple walking down the street and he said, 'Aw, that's cute. I want a relationship like that sometime.' So, I guess that's a plus. 

I started walking towards Tsubaki, catching her attention. 

"Hey, Kousei!" She said, waving. 

(Y/n) followed behind me in excitement. 

"Hey, Tsubaki. This is (Y/n), my friend," I looked at (Y/n),  "(Y/n), this is Tsubaki, I hope you two become the best of friends." 

(Y/n) cleared his throat. "I'm a thief, and I'm about to steal your heart." He said a really, really dumb pick-up line. 

She couldn't hold her laughter in and she laughed and laughed. Tsubaki wiped a tear from her eye. 

"T-That... was... hilarious. Ya' know, I think we could become good friends." She held out a hand to shake. 

He shook it and whispered to me, "We'll become something more, sorry if I'm stealing her from you." 

"No, no, it's fine, I don't roll that way," I whispered back, admitting one of my secrets. 

He nodded but then realized what I said. His eyes went wide and he looked at me. 

"There's. No. Fucking. Way." He paused. "There's no fucking way your"-He said this in a low voice-"gay." 

I looked around him to see if Tsubaki was still there or not, and luckily, she wasn't. 

"I'll explain this later. Just follow me to the roof." 

He nodded and did what I said. 

As we walked I couldn't help but think of our memories. The time we performed on stage together, the time we met. They were going to be the things I would think of after he'd reject me and won't be my friend anymore. 

Once we got to the roof I hurried to a secluded part of the rooftop. I sat down and patted a spot next to me, verbally saying that I wanted him to sit there. He sat down where I wanted him to. 

"So... I'm gay." 

"I never expected you to be." 

It was awkward, I mean, really awkward. 

He cast a side glance to me. 

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asked. 

"I...I-I was scared. I was scared to do this." I pulled the collar of his shirt, causing him to go forward, and I pressed my lips to his. 

He never kissed back. 

"I-I love you," I said after our kiss. 

"I-I..." He looked down. "I don't feel the same."

I half expected this. But it still didn't stop the tears from falling. 

"I'm... I'm sorry." He said and walked away, back into school.

I heard the bell ring, signaling lunch was over, but I stayed there anyway. The tears never left, when I wiped them, they'd come back. This was what rejection felt like. 

Hello everyone! sorry if this seemed kind of sad, this was just what I felt like writing. during the whole time I was planning and writing this, I was trying to get a loose tooth out and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it hurtttttttttttttttt there was sooooo much blood!! but in the end, I never got it out and I'm really, really, sad and it still hurts!!! ughgghghhghg it hurts to eat since it's loose on the side I chewww wahh anyway, Thanks For Reading!

Words: 832

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