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Published on March 16, 2018

Desc: A collection of clips from previous videos that I've pulled together for your enjoyment. You're welcome. -D


Dinah: [sitting before the camera, an over-enthused expression on her face] As many of you know, I'm Camren's biggest fan... and it was brought to my attention that I have yet to pull together my very own compilation of moments concerning these two dumbasses. So without further ado, enjoy these clips!

[ B E E P ]

[Camila peaks her head over the sale rack coated in various shirts and pants, her eyes narrowing in on the camera. She winks before pointing off camera at Lauren, the frame moving momentarily to show Lauren examining a jacket. It returns to Camila, whose head drops back behind the curtain of miscellaneous clothes.]

Lauren [off camera]: Dinah? Can I get your opinion?

Dinah [off camera]: [giggling] Yeah, sure.

[Camera turns away from rack to Lauren, zooming out so Lauren's upper body fits the frame.]

Dinah [off camera]: Ooh, yes bitch! Work it!

Lauren: [looking down at herself, dressed in the jacket she was previously inspecting] Really? I think it might be a little too—

Camila: [pops out from behind sale rack, jumping in front of Lauren] Boo!

Lauren: [screams] Camz! What the hell?!

Normani: [walks up holding two different colored shirts] Hey, so, what we thinkin'? The blue one compliments my skin tone, but the red one makes me look sexy.

Lauren: The red one! [storms off]

[Normani watches Lauren walk off, the camera zooming in slowly. Normani's head tilts, an offended expression settling over her face as she looks directly into the lens.]

Normani: Bitch.

Camila: [whispering] I love her...

[ B E E P ]

Camila: [sitting at the kitchen table in Dinah and Normani's apartment, scribbling on a piece of paper] I have a score to settle with Lauren.

Dinah [off camera]: Care to explain?

Camila: She ate all my freaking banana chips and I'm PISSED.

[Lauren and Normani enter through the front door, walking by the kitchen. Lauren pauses by where Camila sits, leaning down behind her to give her a kiss before following Normani. Camila sits smiling to herself.]

Dinah [off camera]: You were saying?

[ B E E P ]

[Lauren peaks over the edge of her laptop, glaring at Dinah as she gets closer.]

Lauren: What do you want?

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