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Published on March 30, 2018.

Desc: Destroying your expectations. -D


[Normani is scrolling through the laptop in the center of the table, with the four other girls on either side of her. Camila and Ally sit off on one side, shoving each other. Camila shoves so hard that Ally goes tumbling off the couch, squealing in surprise. Nobody else pays them much attention, not really surprised by their antics. Dinah leans her head over Normani's shoulder, watching her as she scans for questions. Lauren is leaning back in the couch, eyeing the camera suspiciously.]

Normani: I see a reoccurring question in here...

Dinah: What are our kinks?

Normani: No.

Dinah: Who's top or bottom?

Normani: No.

Dinah: I have just listed all the options.

Normani: You're trying to avoid it, but we all wants answers, Dinah.

Dinah: ...

Normani: What's on your phone?

Ally, Camila: [chanting] Show us! Show us! Show us!

[Lauren and Normani join them.]


[ B E E P ]

Dinah: [points to computer screen] Choose that question.

Normani: Which one?

Dinah: The one under the blue profile picture.

Normani: Alright... MkAwesome123 asks, "who in the group is our personal favorite?"

Lauren: [immediately] Mani.

Camila: Hey!

Lauren: What?

Camila: [pouting] You hurt my feelings...

Lauren: I love you, but it's Mani.

Normani: Yesss... mine is Lauren.

[Normani and Lauren high five.]

Ally: I choose Diana.

Dinah: [gasps] Alyssa! I love you too!

Ally: Wanna have a sleepover tonight?

Dinah: That's exactly what I need, if I'm being honest. Will you and Lucy take me in?

Camila: ...

Camila: Camila!

[ B E E P ]

Normani: Some of these questions are... curious.

Dinah: [leaning to look] Are you serious?

Dua [off camera]: C'mon, guys. There's no way none of you know what you're doing right now! That's a song off of—

[Everyone begins speaking at once, their comments layering over one another.]

Ally: Dua, what is wrong with you?
Lauren: Lay off the weed for once. Geez.
Dinah: Nobody here has any idea what you're talking about.
Normani: How many times do you have to hit your head before some sense is knocked into you?
Camila: I like that song...
Lauren: I'm calling Ashley right now.
Ally: Ashley needs to lock your liquor cabinet up tighter.

Dua [off camera]: ...

Dua [off camera]: SERIOUSLY?

Camila: Shhhh, just... let it be.

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