LESBIAN MESSIAH - (feat. Hayley Kiyoko)

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Published on April 24, 2018.

Desc: This was a mistake. -D


[Hayley and Lauren each have an arm wrapped around the other, rocking side to side. Lauren has a bottle of unidentifiable alcohol in her hand, and the two are smiling way too big to be sober.]

[Dancing Queen is playing in the background. The two are singing along enthusiastically.]

Dinah [off camera]: And this, folks... is why I began a career in Youtubing.

[ B E E P ]


Lauren: Hello! And welcome to today's video!

[Hayley waves.]

Lauren: As per request, I've brought along my friend here, who most of you may recognize from Twitter.

Dinah [off camera]: Lauren's hot friend!

Lauren: Dinah, shut up!

Hayley: [flips hair over her shoulder] Well, I mean... She's not wrong.

Lauren: They don't even know your name yet.

Dinah [off camera]: Because you take a billion years to get through an intro!

Lauren: You know what—

[ B E E P ]

Lauren: As I was saying, this is my friend, Hayley Kiyoko, and she'll be joining me for this video.

Hayley: [monotonously] I'm suuuper excited.

Lauren: [skeptically] Really?

Hayley: No, like, actually. This is just my overall personality.

Lauren: ...

Hayley: ...

Lauren: ...

Hayley: ...

Lauren: Right, so... anyway. Dinah, you wanna get in here and explain what you're having us do?

[Dinah enters the frame, popping her head down to reach the level of the camera. She stands between the two, her arms around either of them.]

Dinah: I thought it'd be a great idea to provide them with lots of alcohol, and just let them do whatever the hell they want.

[Lauren and Hayley nod.]

Hayley: [pointing and nodding suggestively] Because that... is quality cinema.

[ B E E P ]

Lauren: [pouring two shots of vodka] So, Hayley.

Hayley: So, Lauren.

Lauren: Why don't you tell the people a little bit about yourself?

Hayley: [accepting the shot, knocking it back alongside Lauren] Well, I'm a director. I do a lot of music videos and short films. I actually shot one of Ashley's music videos, which is how the two of us met.

Lauren: Ashley loves to play matchmaker.

Hayley: Right? Anyway, I spend a lot of time in LA, but I come back occasionally to visit friends like Lauren.

Lauren: [excitedly] Tell them what your fans call you.

Hayley: [laughing] They call me Lesbian Jesus. Or Lesbian Messiah. I go by many names, clearly.

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