Character Q&A

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So I've decided that rather than asking me questions about the story, I'd give you a chance to ask the characters themselves questions.

It should not be taken as a canonical chapter, but the answers to the questions are canon answers. For example if you ask Phil what his favorite color is and he says that it's blue, it's not part of the plot that he answered your question, but the answer that his favorite color is blue is true to the story and my characters. In other words, the characters are not aware that they are in a book, and the answers are only written as insight to what that character thinks. I hope this makes sense to you.

The Q&A will be set a few months after the end of the book. You can ask Dan, Phil, Louise, or George questions. Rosie does not exist yet at this point, so she cannot be asked any questions. Also let it be known that Dan and Phil are not married and Dan's mother has not spoken to him yet.

If any of this doesn't make sense, feel free to comment. I tried to explain it the best I could, but I don't blame you if you're confused!

Otherwise, leave your questions below, and please specify who you're asking. You can ask multiple people at a time, as well. The characters answers will be left in another chapter. I will give multiple days for the questions to be asked.

Ask away!

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