Ivanthedoll asked: Dan are you secretly a shibe?
Dan answered: you have exposed me.DisturbedFish asked: What did you do with your old phone?
Dan answered: I still have it. Obviously it's broken and doesn't work so I keep it more as a memory? I stays in a otherwise empty drawer beside my bed.DisturbedFish asked: Is it better now that you're dating Phil?
Dan answered: Yes. Definitely. I mean... for me it was months of holding feelings back and bottling it up, refusing to get help from anyone. Even if we ended up not dating, even if Phil didn't love me, I'd still be better knowing that we talked about it and I had closure. Of course, dating Phil is way better than that, but it's not a necessity for my happiness, in other words. Just being friends with Phil is enough.Phil
Ivanthedoll asked: can you stop eating Dan's cereal?
Phil answered: I'm sorry, I can't. I have no self-control.DisturbedFish asked: Does Dan seem to be happier?
Phil answered: Yes, very much. Just being able to talk about things and not hold them back has helped him so much. He goes to a therapist, too. I'm very happy to see him getting better. Things are not perfect, he has his moments, but it's getting better.bagels_forever asked: Jeremy are you and Phil friends now?
Phil answered: considering Jeremy cannot be asked questions, I'll answer instead. No, we're not friends, I haven't seen him once since that night.woah_wowie asked: Phil, did you like Dan at all when you guys first started talking?
Phil answered: It's hard to answer that, because I believe I did, but that I was blatantly unaware of it. When I first started texting Dan I loved our conversations and it broke my heart to hear his struggle. I definitely considered him a good friend of mine. I now believe that I subconsciously had kinda sorta fallen for him. Even before I saw the first picture of him, I thought he was adorable just in the way he talked. And when I met him irl it was even better since we spent a lot of our time together. I cherished moments we shared and loved being around Dan. Then George entered the picture and Dan was pushed back into my mind whilst he started falling for me. Once George... was no longer involved, all those old feelings came rushing forth and I refused to acknowledge them that time. I was trying to convince myself that I needed time to heal from George and everything. When Dan asked if I loved him back, I automatically said no, but afterwards it hit me like a ton of bricks. I did love him. I always had. It's just with George, my attraction to George clouded my vision of Dan, but I never really stopped loving him. So, to answer your question, yes. When I first started talking to Dan, I did like him, even if I wasn't aware of it yet.Louise
Didn't get asked anything ;-;George
Ivanthedoll asked: I don't hate you but at the same time I do what does this mean?
George answered: how am I supposed to know? I did bad things. Maybe you should hate me, maybe you shouldn't. That's your choice.Dan & Phil
MiaSkyePie asked: how much do you both want kids?
Dan answered: it's a bit early to think about that, we're not even married. Yet.
Phil answered: I have to agree with Dan, but maybe one day. I really love children so I'd expect at least one child in our future. If we get married.
Dan: when we get married. I hope.phancakesarelife2022 asked: how are you guys so adorable together?
Dan answered: I dunno... we just... are...?
Phil: I'm not sure how to answer this question....Yeah, so that's it for now! If you want to inquire the characters further, feel free to comment questions, and I, LunarMoon56, will reply as the appropriate character:
Person: how are you doing Dan?
LunarMoon56: Dan: I'm doing well!Thanks for reading!

PhanPhone Sidestories
FanfictionI have written a series I have lovingly dubbed the "PhanPhone Series". I loved writing the two books so much I decided to give the readers little bonus sidestories! Enjoy!