Dan's POV
Yeah, Phil and I got married. It was really great and fun and I loved every moment of it. The wedding was great, we were wed outdoors in this beautiful courtyard. Phil wore a white suit and I wore black.
The amount of people there was small, mostly our friends, some of Phil's family. Only one of my family members showed up.
Phil and I had been dating for about four years when he proposed to me. Of course I said yes and it was all happy and great. When it came time to send out invitations, I was conflicted on who to invite. If you're somehow blatantly unaware of my relationship with my mother, it was not really good at that time. When Phil and I were engaged, I hadn't had any contact with her for about four years. She didn't even know I was dating Phil at the time. I wondered how she would feel about going to a gay wedding, and pouring all my confidence into one moment, I sent her an invitation.
She did not RSVP.
Yet, she still appeared on my wedding day, clothed in a dark red lace dress, hair done nicely. When I first saw her, I was completely taken aback, and Phil seemed to notice her, too. I tried to keep her from my mind, and luckily, I was able to just long enough to say vows, have a dance, exchange rings, and kiss.
It wasn't until I spotted her standing uncomfortably alone at the reception that I actually spoke any words to her.
"Hi," I said, making eye contact with her. She looked sad.
"Hi, Dan," she spoke, her voice seemed to be on the verge of cracking. She let a tear slide down her cheek, but quickly wiped it away.
"I-I'm sorry, Dan. I really am. I didn't understand you or anything that was happening at all. I was confused and in all that I said some things I regret now," she spoke frantically, holding back more tears.
"What you said really affected me," I said, pursing my lips.
"I'm so sorry for that. I don't know how much I can apologize, really," she tried, now talking quietly.
"You completely cut off from me," I said, my hands fidgeting. I was nervous. My mother just nodded in response to me.
"Did you know I had depression, mum?" I asked, sounding harsher than intended.
"No, I did not," she said, voice breaking a little.
"It's okay, mum. It's okay. I forgive you," I smiled a small smile as she embraced me, tears freely running down her cheeks. She kept repeating that she was sorry and how she messed up. I teared up a little, but didn't allow myself to cry at all."You had to process it all, and that's okay. It's hard to get. It's hard to understand," I told her once she had used a tissue to wipe her eyes.
"Thank you, Daniel. I'm sorry. I'm regret so much of what I said. I couldn't fathom it all, I'm sorry," she rambled, but I just smiled.
"It's okay. I'm okay. We're okay," I said taking both her hands. "Would you like to meet my husband?" I asked, changing the topic to avoid more tears. My mum nodded, a smile gracing her face. I took her by the hand to where Phil was speaking to his mother.My family was repaired. Not perfect, but repaired.

PhanPhone Sidestories
FanficI have written a series I have lovingly dubbed the "PhanPhone Series". I loved writing the two books so much I decided to give the readers little bonus sidestories! Enjoy!