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A pair of sisters stood at the edge of the Crystal Empire as dark skies above snowed down heavily, the cold biting the two harshly.

"Remind me why we didn't bring coats, Celestia?" The younger sister said through gritted teeth.

Celestia was staring at the Crystal Palace."Our only objective is to get to the Crystal Heart. It will not take long."

She turned to her."You know that, Luna."

Luna blew a raspberry and huddled closer to Celestia for warmth.

Celestia draped a wing over her Sister, returning her gaze to the once luminous Crystal Palace.

She was worried as anyone could tell, with her silent pondering and creased forehead.

Luna looked to the Palace as well, falling into deep thought.

It was not too long ago that they were crowned monarchs of Equestria. They had a duty and responsibility now; to serve and protect their subjects of Equestria, now more important than ever since the great wizard and more importantly, mentor's, Starswirl, disappearance.


Luna jumped, startled.


Celestia sighed. "Now is not the time for daydreaming, Luna. It's as if you don't even care. You're a princess now, act like it. Now, focus on the coast."

Luna meekly obeyed and scanned the scene, her face burning red in embarrassment.

It wasn't the first time Celestia has chided her but her words still stung nonetheless.

Of course, she cared. Winning this will win their subjects' approval and finally prove their places as Equestria's rulers

Especially on Luna's part.

Celestia had already won them over easily with her charm and grace.

As for her..?

Whatever. Luna thought to herself, now will be her chance to win them over and this is a chance she'll make good use of.

"What are we waiting for? The coast is clear." Luna snapped bitterly.

Celestia quirked an eyebrow at Luna's tone but nodded." Follow me."

Celestia had her wings spread and flew.

Luna followed suit.

The King was still missing from sight as they discreetly landed through a window. Soldiers they encountered were put to sleep at Luna's will and they traversed through the Palace with ease.

''The scouts said they saw a glow at the very top of the Palace, it must be the Heart,'' Luna said to Celestia.

Luna shot a spell that flittered around for a bit before dashing up a stairwell, leading the way for the sisters.

''There, it knows where the Heart is.''

Celestia smiled at Luna and illuminated the spell's direction with her magic, swiftly leading both of them up all the way to the top of the palace.

It was there where they found the ancient relic, the Crystal Heart.

The Heart pulsed softly at the centre of the darkroom as if beckoning for someone to come forward and take it.

"I'll get it," Celestia whispered, entranced by its light.

Luna nodded and watched as Celestia approached the Heart, her hand outstretched to touch it.

Eclipse  (MLP:FIM Princess Luna x King Sombra)Where stories live. Discover now