Chapter 16: You Or Them

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The six of them stood there, all of them not saying a word. David suddenly walked through the room and over to the door, opening it quickly and closing it behind him. He walked down the front steps and down the driveway, seeing Jax, calling out his name.

"Jax!" David called out, as Jax sighed and turned around. He pulled out a pistol from his holster as he pulled it up, pointing it at David.

"Just let me go." Jax said, as he re-adjusted the gun in his hand.

"Jax— you can stay here." David said as he raised his hands up. "It doesn't all have to be bad. You can live here, we all can." He said.

Jax shook his head. "No. No we can't, and you know that. You knew what happened, you knew about James and Caroline, but you didn't tell me because you knew what I️ would do if I️ had known." Jax said as he stepped towards David. "Well I'm not that guy anymore." Jax said, as he grabbed David's collar and pushed the gun against his head. "All I️ am now, is a man trying to survive. That's all I️ have ever been, and all I️ ever will be." Jax said as he let go of David's collar and put the gun down. He took a step back as he turned around again. "Give me your map." Jax said.

David took his bag off his back and pulled out a map, handing it to Jax. Jax looked around it for a little, then finally took out his pen and made a small 'X'. "That's where I'll be." Jax said. "And if you decide to come, I️ don't want to see James. Not again, not ever." 

"What is it?" David asked.

"A bunker." Jax said as he turned and walked to the gate.

"You know I️ can't leave James!" David called out.

Jax heard David, as he processed it. "Then don't bother showing up." Jax yelled back as he continued walking down the road.

David watched as Jax continued walking down the road. He watched for a while, until he finally turned and went back up to the house. He opened the door slowly, as Caroline sat on the couch, James comforting her and Chloe as he looked up at David entering the room. He stood up quickly, approaching him, as he was still holding the map Jax had marked for him.

"What did he say?" James asked in a stern voice.

David kept his head down. "He's not coming back, that's what he said." David said, clearly lying.

"David...what did he say." James asked again.

"He isn't...coming back." David said, lifting his head up and looking at James in the eyes.

James turned away from David and rubbed his face. "Did he say why?" James asked.

"I️ think it's obvious." David said.

James turned again and grabbed David's arm, pulling the map out of his hand. "Then what's this?" James asked as he unfolded the map.

"Just a map." David said, suspiciously.

"Why did you have it out? What did he tell you!" James said, pushing David against the wall. James looked down at the map, seeing the newly marked 'X'. "What is this?" He asked, showing it to David. "TELL ME!" He yelled, as Caroline suddenly stood up.

"James!" She yelled at him, as Chloe began to cry.

James turned his head to Caroline, as he heard Chloe crying. He took a step away from David as he brushed it off, still holding the map. He walked away, grabbing his coat as he pushed past David and walked out the door. David followed him out, as James was quickly walking down the driveway.

"James!" David called out, chasing after him. "You can't!" He yelled. "You can't go!"

He finally caught up to James as he suddenly turned around to David, throwing his fist up and crashing it into David's face, causing him to fall down to the ground.

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