Chapter 3: Daybreak

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      Caroline's eyes suddenly flashed open, looking up at the dark yet shining ceiling of the cabin. She moved her fingers, but wasn't able to lift up her arms as she moved her head, her eyes shifting across the room, stopping at a black figure walking towards her, slowly. She adjusted her eyes, being able to move her body a little as the figure became visible. It was Jax, but at the same time, it wasn't. Jax suddenly grabbed onto Caroline, bitting into her neck, pulling away a chunk of flesh as she pushed him off of her. Her eyes widened as she saw the newly turned Jax lay on the floor as she held her neck, trying to stop the blood. Jax stood up again as it flung towards Caroline, but her eyes suddenly flashed open again. Her body shifted up, as she looked around the room. She was dripping sweat, feeling the couch below her was damp from it. She wiped her forehead as she felt her neck, seeing it was perfectly fine. She held her face as she stood up from the couch and walked up the stairs, looking into the back room, seeing Jax laying there, still asleep. She sighed as she walked back downstairs. She walked through the cabin as she went out the back door, feeling the spring breeze hit her hard. She stood on the front porch, breathing in and smelling the fresh fragrance. She breathed in and out slowly as she sighed, going back into the cabin. She went into the kitchen and began to cook some coffee, hearing someone coming down the stairs. She turned and saw James walking over. She smiled and said good morning as he helped her make the coffee. A while after the coffee is drunken and everyone is awake, Caroline goes into the bathroom. She slips out the pregnancy test she had kept in her pocket for a while. She held it in her hand, looking at it, deciding to take it. She pulled it back, looking at the results as two small lines appeared. Pregnant. The word rang through her head as she dropped the test, throwing it out, trying to forget about what had just happened. The test could be fake if anything. She couldn't know for sure. She walked out of the bathroom, seeing James out on the front porch. She walked outside.

"Hey." She said to him.

He turned his head, looking at her. "Hey." He replied.

There was silence for a moment.

"I'm pregnant." She suddenly said. The words slipped out of her mouth smoothly as she looked at him.

He turned back to her as his eyes widened. "With.. Jax?" He asked as she nodded.

He turned his body, hugging her softly. As he pulled away, there was suddenly a loud noise, and a sharp pain shot into James' leg. He fell to the ground as Caroline got down too, taking cover from the gunshot. She looked at him as he mouthed the words to get inside and get help as James held his leg. Caroline crawled in through the door and crawled through the cabin as the windows left her vulnerable. She saw Smithy laying on the other couch, as he stood up.

"What the hell was that?" He said as he grabbed his gun. 

"Get down!" Caroline said as shots starting shooting through the windows.

Richard came inside through the back door and got down on the floor as he saw Smithy and Caroline.

"James was shot, he's out on the front porch." Caroline said, looking over at Richard. 

Suddenly all of the gunfire stopped, as the windows were all blasted open and there were bullet holes in the walls. 

"Why'd it stop?" Smithy asked when suddenly small bottles came flying through the windows, releasing a strong gas throughout the house, flooding it with the smoke. Caroline tried covering her mouth as she saw people walk through the front door with gas masks on holding large assault rifles. They scanned the room seeing Caroline being the only one holding her breath as the person then kicked her down, knocking her out.

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