Ava is a quiet, fiery and impassioned twenty-one-year-old, paralysed with fear at the thought of her impending adulthood. She dreams of travelling the world and acting in breath-taking plays all over the globe. But she is finishing university soon a...
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As soon they walked in, Ava was in complete awe. Ronald lived a life that awarded him many luxuries and this suite reflected it. From the marvellously adorned mantles to the exceptional views bordered by the finest of velvet drapes. The finest Persian rug in the living room and the state of the art kitchenette were simply exquisite and the various ornaments that decorated the counter spaces could easily raise this suite's net worth to at least a couple million pounds. He got on the phone and made a few rushed demands before turning to the girls and offering them a seat.
"Where to begin?" he laughed nervously whilst looking over at us questioningly.
"The beginning." Kim supplied wittily.
"What she's trying to say," Ava said, whilst rolling her eyes at her friend, "is that we have more questions than answers ourselves. I found out just this week that you were my father because my mother never told me. I'll tell you what we know and perhaps you can fill in the blanks?"
"Of course," he replied, "but let me just begin by saying that I had no idea of your existence and had I known, nothing on earth would have stopped me from being a part of your life."Both of your lives he thought. He was on the verge of being extremely pissed off, but how does one take out their anger on a corpse? Why had Donna lied about their child? Why had he never verified her story? Because he had trusted her and he hadn't wanted to be selfish, to fight for her when it would only hurt her. The letter she'd left had been extremely effective.
"I-I just don't understand why she wouldn't tell you. I know she was in love with you, right up until she died." Ava questioned.
"I don't think-" he paused trying to find the right words, "we were in love at some point in time, but towards the end, I don't think" he took a deep breath and tried to vocalise his feelings, "we had a falling out and I don't think she still loved me. The last time I saw her, she left me a letter that let me know that we were a thing of the past. I hurt her too much. Which is why she probably didn't tell me about you" he stood up to get himself a drink and took a long sip, "This is an awkward question to ask your daughter, but how old are you?"
Ava and Kim shared a quick glance and Ava was unsure of how to proceed. Seventeen or twenty-one? She wanted to get to know her father a little more, feel out what kind of a man he was before she made that decision.
"I-" she began.
"She did love you." Kim interjected, coming to her rescue.
"I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but how would you know?" he questioned, "she left me."
"In all fairness, you were and still are married." Kim shot back, "Plus, given your wife being at the hotel and the whole Araceli thing, who can blame the woman for leaving?"
"What?" Ava and Ron asked all at the same time.
"How-" they both began at the same time.
"If you're wondering how I knew, then you should know I never play a game of poker without knowing where all the cards are, especially in matters relating to my friend. I just wanted to hear what your side of things was before I told you," she turned to look at Ava, "both of you."