"I cannot believe you made me do this" he muttered, "Ridículo!"
"Oh come on friend," Ava giggled, "you look fine, now one more run-through, lets go."
"Slave master." he spat under his breath.
What was that?" she asked, workaholic Ava back in control, hand on her hip.
"Romeo! Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?" Taylor laughed he literally rolled on the floor with laughter.
"Why can't he do it?" Devin whined.
"Because, no offence," she said to Taylor, "he wouldn't be nearly as impressive as you would be as my leading man."
"Now, now Kat," Devin smirked, "I thought we were just friends."
"We are!" she replied too quickly, "run those bloody lines now." she relied through gritted teeth.
"Oooo," Taylor replied, fuelling the flame, "She said 'bloody,' that's British talk for 'it's about to go down'."
"Maybe this time we can run through all of it this time?" Devin asked.
"It'd be better if we did that part spontaneously."
As before every performance or show, Ava was nervous, the nerves gave her the right amount of motivation she needed. Mr Cardiff had told her that the only time she could audition for the play was on Wednesday and she would need a partner.
He'd also given her the scene for the play the school would be having, and she wasn't going to lie, she was completely disappointed. Even if she nailed her performance, she wouldn't feel right reciting a play she couldn't put her own spin on.
Getting Devin to agree to be her partner had been difficult, but she'd told him how much it meant to her, so he'd listened. She couldn't really explain their friendship, it may have started off like a rocket, but they'd levelled off in the beautiful space they were at now. He was a great friend.
Mr Cardiff was waiting in the hall and she looked around and saw that there were people in there giving her curious looks. Ignoring them, she walked to the front and took a seat, she was here for the show.
"So taking over my room wasn't enough for you? You had to come onto my turf at the drama club too?"
Turning around, she saw Merrissa sitting behind her. This moment had to happen of course, although when her roommate had been a no show, she had been relieved, she did not want to get caught up in this type of drama. She would have to at least try to keep the peace.
"Hello Merrissa," she smiled, "it's a pleasure to see you too. How've you been? Where do you come from? What's your story."
"What the-"
"Those are just some of the things you could've said to the new girl who was moving into your room. Although personally, I would've settled for a good old fashioned hello."
"I don't know who the hell you think you are, some new money, blood haired, freckled bitch!" she hissed, "how do you even know Devin?"
Ava rolled her eyes, was this really turning into a fight over a boy? Well, she wasn't in the race for this one, or anyone, she had too much going on in her life at the moment.
"I've been here three days and I don't want start a war with you over silly little things you perceive as threats. Whatever problems you may have thought we had are a non-issue, you stay out of my way, I stay out of yours. When it comes to being roommates, we can come up with some sort of compromise. However, what I do outside of that is really none of your business."

I'll do it my way
Teen FictionAva is a quiet, fiery and impassioned twenty-one-year-old, paralysed with fear at the thought of her impending adulthood. She dreams of travelling the world and acting in breath-taking plays all over the globe. But she is finishing university soon a...