randomness continued

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Hiiii!!!!!! This is my second book, the first one, "randomness" was a success soo im creating a second one. I focused on One Direction, in my last book, so im focusing more Superwholock.
  And thank you to those who read my last book and is now reading this one.
That truly makes me happy that you would take time and read this. I don't what else to say....I hope this story goes well.

And I just have something else to say,  you don't have to read this, but I want to say it.   I moved to a different town, so new school and stuff. Well, I was one of those people who loved to talk and all that. But when I got to the new school, I was so quite. Anyways, I-I was always afraid to sing or dance in front of people and crowds. Maybe because there was always amazingly talented people doing it. Well, I'm doing it now, so I can kinda feel at home. That probably doesn't make sense, but whatever.
  And when I come home and see I have wattpad notifications,  I get happy that I have so many reads, votes, and comments. That once again, truly makes me happy.
           ~LouBear. <3

randomness continuedWhere stories live. Discover now