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Whovian girl, you are seem crazy, but thats fine, I'm crazy too.

Your love for Doctor Who, is ispiring. Inspiring enough to write the next book focused on it.

I ever got to meet you someday, we could have a Doctor Who marathon, drinking from our Dalek cups, with our sonic screwdrivers in our other hands. And probably wearing bowties, trenchcoats, fezzes, and 3D glasses, screaming the theme song.

That seems fun right?

So, for you, i here's a short story. I dont your name..... Sorry! This, may cause some feels and tears. I know it made me sad for a little while. PLease dont go into depresssion!! And, your in place of Clara, that's why your the impossible girl....

~~ "Goodbye."  ~~

The Doctor turned away from the TARDIS console to face (y/n), to look her into the eyes, one last time, forcing back the salty water beggining to form in his own.

"(y/n)" his voice caught, his eyes glazed and a single tear, rolled down his cheek. "It's time."      

"No." she replied, her voice barely audible. "No, you, you cant, not now, i..-i.."

But she couldnt finish. He wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her in tight, the tightest embrace you could imagine. The moment seemed to last forever, as they stood enveloped in eachothers embrace, warm tears trickling down each of thier cheeks. The doctor didnt want to ever let her go, his impossible girl. Reluctantly, he released her and leaned foreward, resting a slow tender kiss on her forward.

"I have to go." he said, intending to be firm, but instead inquivered, his voice betraying him.

"No." She repeated "It's not meant to end like this I. I, was suspposed, to spend the rest of my life with you."

"well i guess I'm lucky then." A small smile appeared, "Because i get to spend the rest of mine with you..."

He stepped back, glancing around the room with these eyes for the very last time, and taking a deep breath in he turned to (y/n) once more. His face dry with tears, a yellowy glow just begging to form. He said goodbye with the only way he knew how. With a single word.



Oh god, my heart stings. I'm sorry if that hurt you in any way possible.

I hope we can still drink from our Dalek cups and stuff.....


BYE!!!! And thank you!! Also, i love your book, "total randomness"


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