just imagine

105 9 3

Imagine, that one day, you finally decide to take that trail out in the woods...

Your walking, just observing, when you comecroos a blue box. Covered in vines.

You blink a few times, to make sure you werent daydreaming.

When, it didnt go away, you warily approached it, and with a shaking hand, reached out and very softly put your hand on the sign saying open to the public.

   You heard a small shuffling noise inside, and back away startled, before you could run, the door creaked open. A man poked his head out, and you stared at him stunned, as he spoke.

"Hello, I'm the doctor."

It all finally clicked, the Tardis, The Doctor, Amy, Rory, Rose, Jack, it was all real.

Tears were soon streaming down your face as you attacked hugged the doctor babbling about how sorry you were tht he had to go through all that.

When you finally calmed some, the Doctor asked you the question you've been waiting for your whole life,

"Would you like to take a little adventure with me?"

☆☆☆☆ or ☆☆☆☆

You finally take that trail out in the woods,

Waking quitely and observing, you see a old looking black 1967 chevy impala.

It had dents all over it from what looked like someone beat it with a sledge hammer.

You walked up to it, and traced a dent with your finger.

  A nagging feeling that you were bieng watched, turning to leave, you stopped dead, when you saw a man stanfing there, in a trenchcoat.

Fear began to rise, but you pushed it away, and asked, "Who are you?"

He replied in a husky voice, "My name is Castiel."

It all came to you, Castiel; angel of the lord, the '67 Chevy Impala. Supernatural.

Sprinting forward, you wrapped Cas in a hug, crying about everything that happened.

After Cas waited for you to stop, he asked,

"I need you to deliver a message to Dean Winchester."

☆☆☆☆☆ also ☆☆☆☆

You finally decided to take that trail out in the woods,

walking and enjoying the peace, you see ruins up ahead, squinting, it looked like a castle.

Shaking your head, you continued to walk.  you ended up on a hill, and your foot hit something, looking down, you saw a old leather boot.

Confused you reached down to set it aside, bit your body felt like it was violently ripped away from the Earth.

Blinking, you looked around to see the old castle ruins.

You were standing in front of gates when a carriage, that looked to be pulling themselves.

You looked back at the castle, and everything made sense.

The boot was a port key. Everything about Hogwarts, is real.

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