Chapter 1 - Katie

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“Now class, I have an exciting event to tell you all about!” Ms West clapped her hands together enthusiastically. The class groaned. I rolled my eyes. The last time she thought something was exciting it had been introducing us to the Springwood News weekly quiz. Would she ever get that none of us care?

She ignored the groans and rude remarks, and carried on with a bigger smile than before. “Now I know you may be disappointed that we’ve had to cancel to weekly quiz-” I could hear cheering from the back of the classroom, and unsurprisingly Tom joined in, taking it to the next level by standing up and yelling comments which could easily have earned him a detention. “Silence, SILENCE!” she shouted. “We cancelled the quiz because we’ve signed the school up for an award scheme run by the Scientific Association of Notable Effort, or SANE as it’s more commonly known by.”

Tom nudged me in the ribs. He’s been my best friend since . . . well, for as long as I could remember. I couldn’t imagine a life without Tom – he’s always been there and knows all my secrets anyway, so it’s not awkward when something like this comes up. He knows I have a secret love of science, and is always trying to get me to be more open about it, although I don’t see the point. I’ve got a reputation to uphold.

“Now, I need four volunteers to sign up before anyone can go to break,” Ms West clarified. “Sophie, I assume you’ll be joining the team this year?” Sophie nodded meekly, lowering her hand which had been up before Ms West had even finished the sentence.

Ms West smiled smugly. “Anyone else?” When the silence persisted, she spoke again. “Need I remind you that no one can go to break until I have at least three more volunteers?”

A giggle came from the back of the class, so she pounced. “Amy Hill and Poppy Raven, were you talking in my lesson?”

“Of course not, Miss,” Amy denied the accusation, but you could tell that she was choking down a laugh.

“It’s Ms West,” she snapped, “and for that, I’m adding both your names to the list.” Their complaints fell on deaf ears – she had already turned back to the class.

“Well done, Amy,” Poppy hit her on the shoulder.

“Hey, don’t blame me, you were talking too,” Amy muttered.

“Last volunteer?” Ms West asked, her face hopeful. The class was silent once more – no one dared to utter a sound in case she picked on them.

Then, out of nowhere, Tom said, “Katie will do it!”

Before I had time to react, Ms West had jotted down my name. “OK class, you’re free to go.”

The class filed out with a series of triumphant whoops.

But not me. Instead, I yelled, “Tom. I am going to kill you!” 


Hello to anyone reading this!

This is a collaborative story between australian_bri (duh!) and BlackStarrySkies. To those of you who know us in person, see if you can guess who these characters are loosely based on ;)  Hope you enjoy it! :D

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