Chapter 3 - Sophie

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"Ok girls, start brainstorming ideas then!" Ms West finished. At last. I thought she was never going to shut up. Who knew she could talk about all that boring stuff for over ten minutes?

Amy tapped me on the shoulder. "Sophie, we need to start brainstorming ideas together."

I sighed. This was going to be such a drag - I don't think any of the other year 10s could match my science ability. I looked longingly over to where the Sixth Formers were having an animated discussion about their project. Why couldn't I be over there?

"Well, I was hoping we could look into some sort of particle collider, or teleportation, but I don't think you guys would understand," I said loftily.

Katie smiled. "Actually, we could do something like that. I watched this really interesting documentary on inter-world teleportation, so I came up with a theory we could test. As long as we get this equipment . . ." she listed off some machinery. By this point, Amy, Poppy and I were staring at her, completely gobsmacked.

Eventually, Amy spoke up. "Excuse me," she looked at Katie with complete surprise, "but since when were you into science?" Poppy and I nodded in agreement.

She flushed pink. "I've always been into science," Katie mumbled defensively.

Katie Summers, into science? I scoffed mentally.

"So is that why Tom signed you up?" Poppy asked.

Before Katie could reply, Amy cut in. "Oh yeah, don't you and Tom have a thing going on?"

Katie stared at her. "What?"

"Yeah, apparently you guys like each other! You'd be the cutest couple!" Amy squealed.

"We're all fourteen," I put in. "Isn't that a little young to start dating?"

"Tom's actually fifteen," Amy said. "So, are you guys not together?"

"Uh, no," Katie looked worried about the rumour.

"Are you gonna ask him out?" Poppy said conspiritorially.

"Definitely not!" Katie laughed. "Why?"

"Well, he's really good looking! I was going to ask him out," Amy admitted.

Katie snorted. "Tom is gross. He, like, farts and burps all the time. You would date that?"

"He's really cute!"

"Ok guys," I broke off the conversation. "That teleportation theory sounds really interesting, a lot more interesting than how cute Tom is. We should work on it."

Katie looked grateful at the change of topic. "Yeah. Why don't we work on it tomorrow lunch?"

"Great," I said as Amy started to complain about how this was going to ruin her social life.

Before anyone could change their mind, Katie stood up. "Great. See you guys tomorrow then!"


Please keep in mind that these were loosely based characters, and have now taken on personalities of their own. Remember this over the next few chapters please!


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