Chapter 7 - Sophie

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"Guys, this silence is getting a bit awkward . . ." I sighed. We were crammed onto the sofa in Poppy's living room.

"I know right! Like hashtag awkward!" she said.

"Well, can we actually concentrate on the project? We do need to get some work done, you know," I pointed out.

Katie shifted in her seat. "We have the plans for the teleportation device - it's just the putting-together part we have to work on."

"When can we do that then?" I asked.

Amy shrugged. "Who cares? We need to get onto more pressing matters!"

I glanced at her. "Like what?"

"Well," she said, turning to Katie with a self-important smile on her face. 

She wasn't going to bring up Katie's kiss with Tom, was she? After hearing the rumors that were circulating school, I found Katie hiding in the toilets, which she'd been doing for the last week, purely to avoid Tom in the canteen. I bugged her till she confessed everything, and I'd managed to help her forget about it a bit.

And now Amy was just going to bring it up again.

"Amy, we don't need to talk about that," I said sharply.

"I just wanted to ask Katie if she's thought any more about what I said to her the other day!" she said.

"I'm not interested in talking about Tom," Katie mumbled. 

"We're here for the project, not to discuss each others' love lives," I said.

"But guys," she whined.

"Leave it, Amy," Poppy mumured. "Don't put your foot in it again."

"Okay, okay, but if you're not interested, do you think I'd have a chance with him?" she questioned.

Katie pushed herself off the sofa and stormed towards the door. "I said I didn't want to talk about it, and you ignored that, so I'm going. You can count me out of the project - I'm officially resigning tomorrow with Ms West. I'm just sick of all this."

Amy's eyes widened as the door slammed. "What are we supposed to do now? She was basically the only one who fully understood the plans!" 

"I'll go after her," I muttered, feeling my irritation at Amy growing.

"Katie?" I said uncertainly. There was no response, but I heard a small sob coming from outside the window. I stuck my head out the window, and surprisingly, there was Katie, perched on the roof. "Katie, will you come down?"


"Then I'm coming up." I started to pull myself up, and grabbed onto the roof tiles.

"Good luck with that."

 Slowly, I pulled myself up so my chin was resting on the roof. "Give me a second, I just need to pull myself up this last bit." I reached for the final tile I needed to get to Katie, but it came loose. My arm fell to my side, and I looked down in horror. All that was stopping me from plummeting to the ground was my loose grip with my other hand. "Katie, help me!"

"What?" She craned her neck slowly, a curious glint in her eye.

"No, seriously, help me! I'm losing my grip - I'm - oh God - I think I'm slipping!"

"I'm coming!" she yelled. It was frightening how clear the panic in her voice was.

But it was too late. A long, high-pitched scream had barely escaped my lips before I started falling through the air.


Haha cliffhanger lol

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