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"Shh!" I shush Rosemarie, the girl in front of me, while kicking her chair a bit. I wanted to here if I got on The Mentor, so sorry for listening to someone for once.

"Oh, shush yourself!" She snaps and looks at me before looking at her friend, Madison, and continuing talking. She mumbles under her breath 'geek' before talking to Madison. 'Oh, sorry that I can't see so I have to wear glasses for non-hipster reasons.'

I absolutely hate that girl. All she does is whine about how short she is and prance around in her 'I <3 Pasta' sweater. When the teachers tell her to take her sweatshirt off, she says "I'm cold," but seriously: it's August. Who is "Cold" in August? I mean, you think she would be at least half decent since she hangs out with Madison, who is a sweet girl, but no! She gets in fights left and right and throws high heels at the teachers! I just hope she doesn't get on The Mentor.

The Mentor is a TV show where Simon Cowell chooses a musical arts school in any country that speaks English and takes 100 girls and 100 boys from that school and sends them to singing stars like Usher and Cher Lloyd to turn the students into singing sensations. They film almost everything we do and put it on air every Tuesday. The show came out, well, five months ago. after finishing the first season and trying to turn Rebecca Black back into a star, keyword: trying, they needed a new school, so they looked around and chose NEEMAA (North Eastern England Musical Arts Academy, a long name, I know), my school, as the new project. The problem is, the show only accepts 200 pupils, and there are 1000 of us, luckily, only 14-18 year olds can apply, leaving about 800, but about 600 did apply, 400 people don't go.

But today we find out who is actually is on the show, camera men already showing up to film the result reactions.

After keeping us in the auditorium for half and hour, Mr.Crowly started talking about The Mentor, but no names mentioned. I was ready to fall asleep, until he said something about lists with the names on them around the school.

"....Dismissed." He let us go early so we could run to find our names, if they were there.

Knowing that everyone would be rushing to the upstairs flyers, I pushed my way past everyone to go to the basement, where all the instruments are stored, and found a paper with the names on it.

I verbally went through all the 'W' last names while squinting at the tiny font.

"Wolloe, Wompil, Wood, Woods..." I mumbles before realization. "Wood? Wood! Delilah Wood! I got in!" I yelled. I ran over to my closet of instruments, all the instrumental kids have there own closets, I swung open the door. "I GOT IN!" I yelled happily, looking from my cello, Cody, to my flute, Erin.

After closing my closet door, I ran back to the list, still no one around it, and looked to both of my sides before circling my name with the Sharpie I had in my purse and tearing down the paper and stuffing it in my bag. And head to the next bell, Chemistry.

"DADDY!" I yell as I skip through the door

"What?" He says back, rubbing his ear since he was right in front of me when I screamed.

"I got in!" I yelled, a little quieter than before.

"That's great! You know, we should celebrate; what do want for dinner?"

"Pizza." I answer immediately.

"Really? I give you the chance to get anything. Anything! And you say pizza?" He laughed while getting out his phone and dialing the pizza place number.

"Get it with pineapple!" I say before I close my bedroom door down the hallway and change into more comfortable clothes, throwing my uniform to the end of my bed.

I walk out wearing jean shorts and a grey tank top, putting my blonde hair in a braid.

"Dad?" I say.

"Yeah?" He says back, changing the channel to a football match.

"I'm going to go say hello." I grab my keys.

"Oh, ok...." He trailed off, lowering the volume.


How did you like it? Good? Bad? It's only my 2nd fanfic and the other one was pure crap so I deleted it. Also, I'm going to update every Tuesday because that's when the show airs and every Friday because idk. Anyways, hope you liked it, and that you like the rest. Ok, bye.


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