9: Tracking Down Necrozma!!!

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Ash and Moon were sitting on the natural wall surrounding Ten Cerat Hill.  Both of them seem deep in thought.  I wonder what they're doing...

"Hey, Moon."

"...yeah, Ash."

"I was thinking... where did Team Eclipse come from?"



"...sorry.  I zoned out on you there, didn't I?  Anyways, Team Eclipse is from my world.  After Team Skull disbanded, and another evil team, Team Eclipse rose.  I bet that now that they've told their boss about us and shown the photograph, their boss would instantly recognize me."

"Why's that?"

"Because Team Eclipse's boss is-"  The part of the wall that Moon was sitting on broke, and she fell backwards into Ten Cerat Hill.  She was rolling and rolling and rolling backwards until... she hit something.  Something that she wished she didn't.  That something was-

"Moon?"  Ash looked next to him... but then realized that Moon wasn't there.  He noticed that where she used to be was missing a huge chunk.  He looked down into Ten Cerat Hill.  The first thing he noticed was the missing chunk.  The second thing he noticed was Moon.  She was on the other side of the crater.  The third thing he noticed was what she hit...  "OH MY ARCEUS... MOON!!!"  Ash began sliding down the wall.  He had to go and help Moon.  Anyways...

"U-m-M... a-S-h?  I t-H-i-N-k i F-o-U-n-D 'e-M..."  Moon was shaking as she raised her hand and slowly pointed at what she bumped into.  It was black.  It was large.  It was in prism shapes all over its body.  But what truly distinguished it from your average Pokémon, was how it glowed white... even though it was black.

And its name... was...




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