Chapter Two

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I kept yelling his name but he laid still, i put my head to his chest, canceling out all other sounds around the two of us. I was sacred stiff when i didn't hear anything, but i just needed to listen a little bit harder, and surely there it was, a heart beat. I went back to giving my brother mouth to mouth until he coughed out the remaining water inside him, i stood back and tried to give him some space. He groaned as he moved to his side, he shivered from the cold air beating against his wet clothes. He slowly opened his soft, beautiful eyes and looked up at me. i was so relieved I could have cried from pure joy. I tackled him to the ground in excitement and kissed his cheeks multiple times.

"Will are you ok!" I asked. I tightened my grip on him when he didn't answer, he groaned some more in discomfort and I let go.

"M-Mill?" he muttered. I quickly held him tightly, "Im here Will, I'm here"

I stopped showering my brother with affection and turned over at the kids who were playing at the other side of the river, "stay right here." I demanded. i left Will alone and ran to the children, I walked up to the blue haired, freckled child that threw Will into the water and cast him against the tree. The other children just stood and watched, not one dared to help their friend. I pulled out my pocket knife and laid it against his ear. Then I pulled it away from him and left, i figured it gave him a good scare. I ran back up the hill, to my brother. I took off his dripping wet coat and gave him my dry one.

"Come on will, mother is expecting us." I said, lifting him up. we slowly walked away, back to the house. Although, Will wouldn't stop shuddering, it worried me.

"Don't worry we'll be home soon." I assured him, even though i knew full well it was an hours travel. He had lost his yo-yo and spare change that were in his coat, i looked for them in the river but i found nothing.

"Do you think they'll figure out why i couldn't glide across to them?" Will spoke out of no were.

"Of course not" i assured him. "Besides, I bet those brainless pieces of trash haven't even heard of your condition."I added.

"Why are people so mean?" He asked.

I stayed silent,the howling of the wind screeched my ears and the sun had been missing for a long time. I felt colder than usual. "I don't know." I replied.

Our walk remained quite. i just wanted to put my brother to bed. I know that he can take care of himself but he's body is still just weak. The doctors said that he'd die at a young age since he wouldn't even be strong enough to make enough energy for himself. I remembered every word of that doctors visit.

It was about five years ago when we were nine. The room was small and broken, "Welcome Miss purope. i see you've brought your son and his twin." My Mother walked Will over to the doctor and the doctor sat him on his lap. We were dressed in the best clothes we had,which were still stained and wrinkled. The doctor went to remove Will's eyepatch but he covered it.

"It's ok sweetie, he can see it." My mother reassured him. Will hesitantly put his hands down and the doctor untied his eyepatch, it was made of a simple white cloth, he still has the same one to this day. The doctor was met with a glazed, blind, eye. It sat there, mocking my brothers inability to cast magic.

The doctor gave it a good look and tried to show Will some basic, natural manipulations to the environment. But will could not do any of it, not even glide. He had to eat twice as much as the rest of me and my siblings, he already uses up so much energy for just breathing.

"Does it hurt?" the doctor asked as he placed his hand on Will's chest.

"Does what hurt?" he asked back.

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