Chapter Four

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My whole family woke up early to make our journey to the state fair, and me and Mill kept our little adventure a secret. Mother had made cinnamon buns like she did every time we went off to the fair. My week had been going great and it was only gonna get better. I was helping mother pack the wagon with blankets and pillows. it was about a day and a half trip, and we were going through snowy roads so we needed all the blankets we could get.

"Will! Come sit next to me!" Mill shouted, sitting in the wagon.

I climbed in and helped put up the tarp that we used as a roof. After I was done I sat next to Mill and we chatted about the fair. In the middle of our conversation Mill pulled out an extra cinonomn roll and split it with me.

"Where did you get this?" I asked.

"Jason took three even though mother said he could only have two, so I snatched it from him when he want looking."

Out of no where our older brother Jason came attacking us, trying to rip us apart with his bare hands, I was able to slip out of his grasp and i could hear Mill choking.

"Save yourself! If I die you can keep my money!" He shouted.

I called out for my mother's help and sure enough she came

"Jase I swear to God himself if you don't stop teasing your younger brothers ill make you do extra yard work."

And with that he let go and hopped off the wagon. Jase was our oldest brother, he was currently twenty three and stayed around to help mother with the house. I could tell he hated me the most. He always told me I was a useless member of the family, I couldn't work hard like they could and he told me I was just a lost cause, or another problem for mother. Mill told me to ignore him though, he said you shouldn't value an opinion from someone you don't respect. It still hurts though.

Mill let out a sigh of relief, "I almost died back there" We looked at our now crushed cinnamon rolls with petty, never the less, we ate them. Mill laid down and tried to ignore the screams of the children playing outside of the wagon. Mother took a head count and started to move, My youngest brother was still sleeping in the wagon while a few of my older sisters were knitting, The rest of my siblings were walking along the wagon or playing near it, while Mother and Uncle Mike sat in the front. I was ready to just talk to Mill but he had different plans. He brought out a book that he stole from school, I could only understand some of the cover.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"It's supposed to help you learn to read, I thought we could study it together."

I smiled, "Thanks" I whispered.

It felt like forever, But i knew we were close to the border of our providence. I was so excited, It was nearly night and mother and Uncle Minke were discussing wither or not we should stop for the night or if they should take shifts driving the wagon, they knew the horses could go on for days, But they didn't know how safe it would be to keep traveling in the dark.

It wasn't my problem thought so I could care less. Mill handed me a piece of fruit from his bag "Here, you haven't eaten in a long time."

It was an inconvenience to have to eat sixteen times a day instead of the normal eight, but at least Mill would try to find yummy things for me to eat. Before I took a bite out of it the wagon stopped.

"Ok everyone!" My Mother shouted as she stood up. "We're going to be staying here for the night! Unpack the tents!

without delay everyone started to help build our little camping spot off the side of the road. And within only a few minutes we had everything set up, I guess thats a plus to being in a big family.

Me and Mill got the lucky chance of sleeping in the wagon, It was surprisingly comfortable. I was so happy, that happiness put me fast to sleep though, for when I woke up Mill had drawn on my face, I was a bit angry, but still happy. I woke up in the middle of the day, It was foggy and we were close to our destination.

"Yeah, you were the first to fall asleep and the last one to wake up" Mill explained as I ripped off the drawings from my face.

"Is it off?" I asked.

He nodded his head with an innocent smile, I didn't believe him so I turned to my little sister Marie and asked her.

"Marie, Is the marker off my face?" I asked once again.

"Yup." She said with a large grin, "Theres still some on your forehead."

I nudged Mill for trying to trick me and washed it off till it was finally off for good.

"Whelp!" Mill boomed as he stretched. Im gonna go up ahead and play around, wanna join me?" He asked.

"No thank you, id rather read this." I replies, holding up my book.

"Your loss"

Mill and a few more of my younger siblings went ahead and disappeared into the fog. It had only been a few minutes of silence Till i heard them running back. Confused, I went to see what they were running to us for. But then I heard It. They were all screaming, and my sister, the one just a year older than me and Mill screamed it the loudest.


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