Chapter Nine

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I was told that today I was going to get taken to the capitol building. I was nervous and afraid to talk to lucifer again, but I had to leave my room eventually. I searched for Lucifer around the halls, I checked the garden, his study, his office, and the library. I even found some new rooms, like an indoor swimming pool, a spa, a room just for eating cake, and an ignoramus closet. I was about to look in the dining room until someone pulled me around the corner. I saw lucifer towering above me with a spell in his hand, ready to be cast. I gulped and slowly backed away.

"Don't worry, silly boy." He laughed as he kneeled down, making direct eye contact with me.

"Sorry about what happened yesterday." He said with a soft tone as he reached for my face, he ran his fingers across it, getting rid of any signs that I was hurt.

"Lift up your shirt." He ordered.

I did was I was told and he slid his fingers across my side and stomach. It tickled and I stood on my toes. He chuckled and stood up again. I felt as fine as I did when I woke up the day before. The trauma was still there but I tried to ignore it.

"Come, I'll be taking you to work today, there are some people I want you to meet." He told me. I followed him into a different car and we made our way to the capitol. The bumps on the road made me turn green again. I had eaten a bunch of food before we had left and I had to pay the price.

"There are some children for you to play with." Lucifer said, looking out the window. I've realized that he looked out the window a lot when we rode together.

"Really?" I asked.

"Mhm, they're here because they're private schooled as well."

"So i'm gonna be private schooled from now on?

"Correct." He snapped.

As we rode up to the building I awed, and not like the other times, this masterpiece really took the cake. It was still being repainted and was closed to the public for the time being. Instead of going to the front we drove towards the back.

As we stepped out I could hear people whispering things, and I knew they were all about me. We walked passed many columns holding up a roof. The floor was a nice stone that sparkled almost as if it wasn't even outside. We walked in the doors and the building was hustling and bustling with people.

"Just stay next to me and you'll be fine, everyone gets worked up when I come to visit." Lucifer whispered.

Everyone stopped their business and glanced over at us.

"they're just excited to meet you." Lucifer added.

I just wanted to walk back in the car and not have to deal with this.

I looked up at a sign at the corner of the room, it read.

"Private Lobby"

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"All the visitors have a public lobby while everyone that works here has this private one in the back."

"O-" I stopped my mumbling, remembering what Lucifer had told me.

"Here, go sit over there on those couches." Lucifer demanded. "I need to talk to some people."

I made my way to the red sofa, the whole room had a red theme to it. A giant chandelier shone all of its beautiful light down on the room. It was decorated with various plants and decorations. In the center, where I had sat, was sofas and chairs, with a brown coffee table in the center. Behind me was a desk where a secretary sat. There were small circular, brown tables off to the side, along the walls with a few chairs placed there, But it had a very simple feel to it. To the left of me was two hallways that more than likely lead to other offices and to my right was the grand entrance.

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