Chapter Seven

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I had laid on my new bed for the past three hours, in complete shock. I still couldn't process what had happened.

'What were the chances that Lucifer would find me there in the snow?' I thought.

But pushing away the fact of my current state, the bed. I finally got to feel a real mattress feels like. It was wonderful. It was even softer than a cloud, well I don't really know what a cloud feels like but I know it cant be more comfortable than this.

I adored the room I was staying in, I had a queen sized bed, it was decorated with many unique, hand stitched pillows. The comforter smelt like freshly picked cotton I had a window right next to my bed that gave me a fantastic view of the garden, I want to visit it sometime. I still wondered how long Lucifer planned on keeping me for, I wasn't for sure if I wanted to stay or not. On one hand I was cared for with only the best of staff, but on the other hand, I was lonely, it was so big, and there appeared to be no children my age. I doubt Lucifer is married or has children anyways, and I don't think he plans to. I had my clothes and belongings put into a dresser, I was thankful when I found that my picture of Mill and I was still there. I was given a journal and a few objects for me to play with, only, the objects were meant to warp and be levitated, non of witch I could do anyways.

I began to get bored and thought I should just sleep early. That was until I heard a knock on my door, I went to open it and to my surprise I saw Lucifer standing there.

"Good afternoon, Will." He said with a menacing tone.

"Good afternoon, Sir." I hesitantly spoke.

"Would you like to go on a walk with me?" He asked, offering me his hand.

"I could think of nothing better." I replied, trying my best to use the manners mother had taught me, but before I ran off with him I dug into my old coat pocket and pulled out the picture of Mill and I and shoved it into my vest. Afterwards I ran back to Lucifer and took his hand.We had walked around certain hallways of his gorgeous house, they were well lit with made the tile sparkle and glee, when i'd look down I could see my reflection staring at me. We talked about my life and how I lived.

"You know Will," Lucifer spoke out of nowhere, "I could give you the highest education a child could dream of."

I thought about that for awhile before. "Yes you could, sir. But I don't learn as easily as oth-

"I know about your eye Will."

I stayed silent, we continued walking till we arrived in front of a large wooden door. Lucifer opened it for me and gave a smile.

"Come, follow me."

I hesitantly walked into the dark room, I saw a large desk that I could only assume to be Lucifers, he gestured me to site in front of it while he turned on the lights. When the lights were finally turned on I could see green carpeting with many globes of different planets against the wall. A large window was being the desk and a warm fireplace was to my right. Lucifer sat down and cleared his throat.

"So will, I was told about your condition."

I gulped down a wave of nervousness.

"Don't worry, no one is listening, I can make sure of it." With a snap of his finger the door behind me locked.

"I just want to tell you Will, that i'm not going to hurt you."

Even though I could tell this was supposed to make me feel more comfortable, it didn't.

"I still want to help you, now anyone who had studied in the medical field, such as myself would know what you have is unbearable."

I looked of into the fire.

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