Chapter Six

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I had just finished putting down the last bouquet on Mill's chest, I laid his arms over it, I closed his eyes and cleaned off any blood that was left on his cloths. I stood up and looked around once more, I had lined all of my family up, I cleaned them up as best I could and gave them a large bouquet of daisies. I had spent all morning picking them, although I gave Mill the biggest one. I didn't cry anymore, I had used up all my tears. I walked back to the wreckage of the wagon and sat down next to the base of a nearby tree. I had dug out all of the food that we still had in cans and planned to use them up until they were gone. Hopefully i'd die after that.

It had been two days since it happened, I still had so many questions, like why could I not hear anything come out of that gun? or why there was a vampire here anyways? why didn't their skin turn ice cold? Why didn't I hear any of my siblings scream? How was I the only one that survived?

I'm assuming I must have been buried so deep into the wreckage that the vampire must have missed me.

I closed my eyes again, hoping I was having a nightmare or maybe I was dead as well but my soul wasn't getting taken up into heaven yet. But instead, I fell asleep.

I woke up again, It felt life it was the morning, although I had no way to be for sure. But the thing that woke me up was the sound of a carriage, it was coming up close. I stayed still, both afraid of who was in it and afraid that i'd get blamed for the death of my own family.

Started to see the carriage come closer to me, I was shocked, It looked expensive, like, capitol expensive. It stopped a few feet in front of me. I squinted my eyes, trying to get a better look of the decorated masterpiece. When I saw the banners that hung around it I sat there completely frozen.

"L" Just like the one on that mansion, but how? What would Lucifer be doing here? In such a classless part of the NetherPatches?  I thought it must have been someone only pretending, but when the man stepped out of his ride, along with his guards, I knew it was him.

His face was long and charming, just like it was depicted on my coins. He had his multi colored hair. Blue, Purple, Blonde, Orange, and red. And then his skin, green, blue, purple, red, and a pale yellow. I've never seen  what an actually Multi-casting Demrose looked like. It was so strange, But it amazed me. He wore a velvet red fur coat, he had a glorious suite on underneath and different gamed rings on this figure. He moved around with a cane, it was dressed up with gems and a diamond on the top. Although it didn't look like he actually needed the cane, it was more than likely there for show.

"Look around and investigate." He ordered.

His guards went searching, while one stayed by him and another two stayed by the beautifully groomed horses.

Lucifer lit a cigarette and stuck it in his mouth carelessly. He glanced around the scene, then it caught his eye, all the empty food cans that made a direct trail towards me. He snapped his finger and his guard came following him as he went towards the food cans. He squat down and picked up a can of corn, he moved the cigarette around in his mouth as he thought to himself. He stood up again and dropped the can, he followed the trail with caution, his guard followed not far behind. Lucifer raised his hand in the air, stopping the guard.

"Look at what I've found." He smirked.

I closed my eyes in worry, i could feel him walking closer and I tried my best to act asleep. I felt this sudden warm breath right in front of my face and it scared me straight.

"Haha, stop pretending, I know you're awake."

I hesitantly opened up my eyes and saw him, Lucifer, staring at me. He grabbed my cheeks, making my mouth open a little bit. he sniffed into my mouth then let go of me.

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