Chapter Three

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It had been two weeks since Winter had started, and oh boy was I excited. Every other year, Me, Mill, and the rest of my family would go to the providence over and through special connections we would all stay at an inn for free and go to a state Fair. Mother had been repairing the wagon for our trip. We would leave in about three days, and i didn't have school till spring again. I was so happy.

But even more exciting than that, Mill said he had a surprise planned for me. He said he had been working on it for weeks now. I couldn't even hold in my excitement, things that used to bother me before i could easily block out now.

I Couldn't find Mill anywhere though. He said he'd be home by supper though, so i just had to wait the next few hours or so out. Things felt like they were going unusually well. But i didn't want it to end. Maybe I could find a new source of motivation to work harder or something. But I think i'll do that later when Mill's surprise for me is over and done with.

A few hours later, during supper, Mill comes in the house late. Not like we waited for him anyways. But I was worried that we wouldn't get to do whatever he planned since it was so late. He walked over and sat next to me.

"Will." He said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm so sorry Will, But We're gonna have to do the surprise tomorrow. I Just finished it and it's too dark to do it."

I Was notably upset. But i felt like I could wait a little bit longer. "It's ok" I mumbled.

Mill placed his hand on my shoulder,"I'm sorry, i promise it'll be worth the wait."

I took a deep breath in and trusted him. "Ok" I added, I put a smile back on and finished supper. I hopped up to my room and laid on my bed, i was surprisingly more tired than usual. And didn't even wait for Mill to come up as well, cause i was out like a light.

I was shaken silently and i could hear my brothers voice, telling me to wake up.

"Wiiiiiill, You need to wake up." They whispered.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw my brother staring at me with my coat and overcoat in his hand.

"What's going on?" I muttered

"Hehehe, I tricked you. We still have time for the surprise." He told me.

"What?" I Asked, I looked out the window and it was still dark. "What time is it?"

"Midnight, the perfect time, now hurry up and put these on." He handed me my coats and shoes. "I'll be waiting outside." He added as he carefully kept out the room.

I was confused to say the least. But never the less I did as I was told then met my brother outside.

"Ok, whats this about?" I asked.

"Just follow me" He replied as he took my wrist and ran off into the woods, I struggled to keep up with him, But I didn't want to be left behind and not see the surprise. So i continued moving forward. But to my surprise, our destination was an old barn house.

"What is this?" I asked, I spoke a bit more loudly than i intended to and scared a few birds away.

"Just follow me." he insisted.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the barn with him. He walked up a ladder to the hayloft and opened it's doors, letting the moonlight in. I could get a glimpse of an object about the size of the room. Mill then turned on some christmas lights that were hung around the room and i could see the object clearly. It was a plane of a sort. But it had no engine, and appeared to be made of scraps of junk.

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