The New Kid

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Blake's POV

Me: I don't wanna get up!

It was 7:00 in the morning, on a sunday, and Ruby was shaking me in order to wake me up this early on a weekend.

Ruby: Come on, Ozpin's got an assignment for us!

I groaned as I rolled lazily out of bed. I swiftly got dressed and adjusted my bow as we left our dorm. On the way to his office we began to talk about what Ozpin might've had in store for us.

Weiss: It's probably a mission.

Yang: It could be about the food fight.

Ruby: Even if we get in trouble it was totally worth it!

Yang and Ruby high-fived each other. Suddenly, all of my teammates were staring at me.

Me: W-what?

Ruby: What do you think about it.

I sighed.

Me: Honestly, I think I should go back to bed.

They all groaned, unsatisfied with my answer. We entered the elevator and rose up to his office. When the doors opened we stepped into the large room.

Ruby: You wanted to see us sir?

Ozpin was asleep on his desk.

Ruby: Professor Ozpin?

Ozpin: Huh? Oh, sorry Ruby, I had to wake up at this ungodly hour and I haven't had any coffee yet.

Me: I'm in the same boat as you professor.

Ozpin: Well, I called you here for a much more important matter than coffee. (Y/N) I'd like you to introduce yourself.

Ozpin looked around the room, confused.

Ozpin: (Y/N)?

I felt a surge of energy, I looked at the rest of my teammates, all of our auras were glowing.

What's going on?

I felt something leave my body, followed by the feeling that a huge weight had been lifted.

???: You'll thank me later.

We turned around to see a boy, around our age, he had (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. He was wearing black jeans, a (f/c) v-neck shirt and a black trenchcoat, which match the black finger-less gloves on his hands. He was holding 4 glowing orbs, red, light blue, black, and yellow, in his hand. He closed said hand and they disappeared

Ozpin: This is (Y/N), girls why don't you introduce yourselves?

Ruby: Hi! I'm Ruby

Weiss: Wei-

(Y/N): Weiss Schnee, it's a pleasure to meet you.

He bowed slightly when he spoke.

Weiss: Finally! Someone with some decent manners!

We all laughed.

Me: I'm Blake Belladonna.

I reached my hand out and he shook it. It was gentle, yet firm. When I looked up at him I noticed that he was looking into my eyes as if he were searching for something. I felt myself blush lightly.

Yang: And last, but not least, I'm Yang!

Ozpin: Ladies, if I could have a word with you.

We turned ourselves and gathered around his desk.

Ozpin: Due to some problems with the dorms, he won't be able to have one of his own for a while, so he'll be with you four until there's an opening for him.

From Shadows of The Past; Blake x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now