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Blake's POV

I held (Y/N)'s body, crying. I barely knew him, yet here I was, mourning. Ruby put a hand on my shoulder.

Ruby: Come on, we need to tell Ozpin

Reluctantly, I put (Y/N) down and stood up, still crying. I started to walk out when something moved. I looked back.

Me: Guys, wait.

I stared at (Y/N) for a short while. The pool of blood around him started to recede and the cuts closed after the blood seeped back through them, his fingers twitching. I watched in shock as he sat up rubbing his neck.

Y/N: Monty fucking Oum! That was brutal!

He cracked his neck on each side and popped his fingers. He looked up to see us all staring, eyes wide and mouths open.

Y/N: Shit... I thought you guys left.


I was leaning against the wall with my arms crossed and one foot up while the girls were sitting on their beds. Wanting to break the deafening silence between us I spoke.

Me: So... where do you want to start?

Weiss: You could go with why you were bleeding all over the place.

Me: I was dying, wasn't that obvious?

Ruby: I think she means 'why were you dying?'.

Me: Oh! Well, in that case, to answer your question, I was using my semblance.

Yang: Which is....?

'splainin' time

Me: I can see when people are going to die, like little count down timers above their heads. If I want to, I can 'steal' their death.

Yang: Those glowing things you took from us when we first met?

ME: Exactly. If I do this, the timer doesn't go away though. I have to use it in order for that to happen, and when I do, it doesn't go away, it just gets an extension.

Weiss: How does that work?

Me: Theoretically, It happens sooner, and because it "already happened", it doesn't repeat itself.

Ruby: That's cool.

Me: I guess, downside is if I use it I still feel the pain, and let me tell you, it hurts about twenty times worse than hell.

Yang looked over the edge of her bed at Blake.

Yang: You've been pretty quiet.

Blake stayed silent, looking down at her hands, which were currently in her lap.

Me: I wouldn't blame her, it was a pretty gruesome death, not to mention it was hers.

RWY: What?!?!

Me: That's probably why you were crying, you were mourning yourself in a way.

Yang: I can think of another reason.

Blake faced away from me and Yang laughed. Not knowing what she meant, I shrugged it off.

Me: Look, I'm sorry for the scare. There's a reason I do it when no one else is around.

RY: Nah, it's cool.

Weiss: Yeah, when you come back, everything's cleaned up, so no worries right?

Me: Blake?

Blake sighed deeply.

Blake: It's fine, it's just a lot to take in.

Me: Well, I'm gonna go to bed, I'll see you guys in the morning.

RWBY: Goodnight.

I fell back onto my makeshift bed after changing into pajamas.

Blake: Umm... (Y/N)?

Me: Yeah?

Blake: Nevermind.

Me: Okay.

And with that I went to sleep.


I woke up from shuffling noises. I sat up and looked around, the girls were already dressed.

Me: What's up?

Yang: We were just gonna hang out with team JNPR, enjoy the weather this weekend.

Blake: Do you wanna come with us?

Me: Sure, I'll catch up.

They left, and once they did I got dressed and left the dorm. I looked down the hallway to my left and saw them turn around the corner. Moving as fast as I could while staying silent. I crept up behind them, listening in to their conversation.

Ruby: ....I do feel kind of bad for him, his semblance is practically self harm.

Weiss: I guess that's one way of looking at it.

Blake: What I find weird about him is the fact that he seems like he knows about me.

Yang: If I didn't know better I'd say you were right.

I put an arm around Blake and another around Yang.

Me: What about Blake?

Blake's POV

Crap, how long had he been there?

I could feel my face heat up from blushing. His face was so close to mine. I looked away, hoping he hadn't noticed.

Yang: Blake, should we tell him?

Blake: Sure.

We kept walking as we continued the conversation.

Ruby: (Y/N), Blake i-

Y/N: A faunus, I had my suspicions. I was just waiting for you to tell me so it would be confirmed.

I looked at him with wide eyes.

Me: B-but how?

Y/N: I could smell it.

We all gave him a funny look.

RWBY: What?

Y/N: I wanted to keep it a secret, just in case. Now that I know that you guys aren't raging racists, I have nothing to fear.

Weiss: What secret?

Y/N: I'll tell ya later.

We kept walking through the hall until we made it to the courtyard. Team JNPR was sitting in the middle talking.

From Shadows of The Past; Blake x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now