The Visit

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Blake's POV

The streets were bustling with traffic, (Y/N) led me through said streets by the hand. He turned left into an alleyway, which then led to a street with far less pedestrians. It was much more quiet here. More.... peaceful. We crossed the street and walked up to a set of glass doors that read;

Vale Mental Health Institute

(Y/N) let go of my hand as we entered the building. We approached a woman sitting behind a desk. She smiled as she handed (Y/N) a clipboard.

Woman: Hello (Y/n), You here to see your mother?

Y/N: As usual.

Woman: She's in the common room.

Y/N: Thanks.

I followed (Y/N) as he walked to the left and entered a short hallway. After passing a couple doors, the hall opened up to a round room, filled with patients and their families, playing board games, or just talking. The room was lit by the afternoon daylight that shone through the windows that stretched from the ceiling to the floor. A woman with (h/c) hair waved to (Y/N), obviously his mother. We made our way over to the table she was sitting at. She leaned back in her chair, stroking her tail.

Y/N: Hey mom.

Y/N's Mom: Hey kiddo.

She looked at me and smiled.

Alea: You must be Blake, I'm Alea.

Me: It's nice to meet you.

Alea: How's life been treating you Blake?

Me: Not as well as (Y/N) has.

Alea laughed.

Alea: It's nice to know that my son knows how to treat a woman properly. How are things at Beacon (Y/N)?

Y/N: Same old, same old. Classes, homework, spend time with Blake, sleep, repeat.

Alea: Do you think you could get us drinks Y/N?

Y/N: Sure.

He walked off, shifting my attention to Alea.

Me: (Y/N) Told me you play piano.

Alea: Did. I haven't played since the incident. You know what I'm talking about?

Me: Yes.

Alea: Before I continue, how much do you know?

I told her everything, and how I came to know it.

Me: and then he stopped, claiming the rest of it wasn't about family.

Alea: So you don't know about Serah?

Me: Who?

Alea: Serah was (Y/N)'s girlfriend before you.

My mouth went dry and the room became hot. Where was (Y/N) with those drinks? For some reason I really didn't want to talk about this.

Alea: Serah came around shortly after I moved in here. She was the one who helped (Y/N) with his depression. She taught him how to look at the world differently, in a positive way. Eventually, they fell in love.

Me: W-what happened?

Alea sighed.

Alea: What always happens.

Me: Grimm...

Alea: A couple years ago they were out in the forest. They were ambushed by a pack of Beowolves, and Serah was killed. It was when this happened that (Y/N) learned that he has to experience someone's death in order to prevent it.

Me: What happened after?

Alea: He dealt with his pain, still does as far as I can tell.

We sat in silence for a couple seconds until (Y/N) came back.

Y/N: So what are we talking about?

Alea: We were just discussing my piano skills, although I do believe yours are much better. I haven't practiced in years.

Y/N: Why won't they bring one in here again?

Alea: Takes too much space.

Me: How about a keyboard?

Alea: They could, but it wouldn't feel right. The sounds aren't natural and they keys don't feel right. Not to mention the lack of pedals.

Me: Oh.

Y/N: Excuse me I need to use the restroom.

As soon as she was gone she grabbed my hands and looked into my eyes.

Alea: Listen carefully Blake, when I tried to end my life it wasn't completely my choice.

Me: W-what do you mean?

Alea: My side of the family comes from a long line of misery. It's gotten to the point where suicidal tendencies are genetic.

Me: T-that's not p-possib-

Alea: But it is. Listen, don't break his heart. He won't be able to handle it. If you do choose to leave him, let him down as gently as possible. However, if you do stay by his side....

(Y/N) returned and sat down.

Alea: I want you to know that I completely support you two and any decision you make.

Y/N: Thanks Mom.

Suddenly the P.A. System turned on.

P.A.: Attention all visitors. Visiting hours are almost over. If you could make your way out of the building that would be great. Thank you!

(Y/N) looked at me.

Y/N: Guess we should get going.

Me: Yeah.

Y/N: Bye mom.

Me: Bye Alea.

Alea: Goodbye you two. Remember, I approve of every and any decision you make.

We started to leave when she spoke up again.

Alea: (Y/N), just keep that puppy wrapped 'till you're married. I don't want no grandchildren within the next 4 years.

I laughed as (Y/N) blushed, not answering. We left the building hand in hand. As we started making our way downtown to get something to eat, I looked up at (Y/N).

Y/N: What?

I gave him a small smile and kissed him on the cheek.

Me: Nothing.

From Shadows of The Past; Blake x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now