[14+24 - Nico Hülkenberg]

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[14- They're so cute when they're asleep]
[24- It's 6 o'clock in the morning, you're not having vodka]

Feminine Chapter (as in wearing dresses)

It was a Friday night, you decided that you were going to have some fun with your friends.

You laid in bed for a couple hours until you decided that you should probably get out of bed sometime today. When you got out of your bed you felt the cold air hit you, you instantly missed the warmth of your bed. You stretched then went into your bathroom to have a shower, you turned on the water, then you turned on your speaker and connected your phone to it and started playing your favourite artist. You hopped into the shower, loving the warmth it provided, you washed your hair then got out of the shower. You put on some comfy clothes because you weren't doing anything else today, you went downstairs and got some cereal out of your pantry. After sitting down and eating your cereal you decided you should probably clean up your house. It wasn't the messiest, but you thought you should still clean it. You started in the kitchen, washing the dishes and wiping the counter, then the living room, so on and so on. After you were done cleaning it was 4:02pm, you thought you should get ready because you were leaving at 6:00.

Nico: hey, am I still picking you up tonight?

Y/n: yeah if you don't mind.

Nico: K, I'll be there at 6

Y/n: K, see you soon.

You've always liked Nico, you've been really good friends for a couple years now. Although you cherished your friendship with him sometimes you wanted more.

You headed up to your room to get ready, you looked in your closet to see what dresses you had, you decided that you wanted to wear a little black dress that you've had for a while, you've never worn it because you haven't had the chance. You put it on then when to go do your makeup, you did your normal makeup routine, but a bit more glamorous. After doing your makeup you curled/straightened your hair, by the time you were completely done getting ready it was 5:57pm. You waited in the living room for Nico to arrive, you felt your phone vibrate.

Nico: I'm here:)

Y/n: okie dokie:)

You walked outside and saw Nico waiting by the passenger door for you, as you walked up he opened the door for you "aww, thanks." You said while hopping into the car. "No worries, it's the least I can do." Nico said while getting into the car. "You look incredible." Nico said while looking at the road, "you don't look to bad yourself." After driving for a few minutes you arrived at the club, oh walked inside with Nico, looking for your friends, you saw them in a little booth in the corner of the room, you headed over there with Nico not far behind you. "Aye, Nico and Y/n, took you guys long enough" Sebastian said while standing up. "hey, you guys were early, you told us to be here at 6:10" Nico said defensively. "Woah there Nico, calm down."

You walked over to the bar to order some drinks for everyone, after an hour or two you were drunk, you weren't the only one though, your friend Y/f/n (your friends name) , and Nico were pretty drunk too, Sebastian was the only one that didn't drink that much, Sebastian decided to call a taxi and take all of you to his house. Once you arrived you somehow made it to the couch and fell asleep Instantly.

It was early in the morning when y/f/n woke up, she went downstairs and saw Sebastian up, "good morning, what are you up to?" They said while going to sit on a stool, "nothing much, I'm making some breakfast." "Are Y/n and Nico still asleep?" They asked while standing up "take a look for yourself" Sebastian said while nodding towards the sofa. Y/f/n walked over and saw you and Nico cuddling on the couch, "they're so cute when their sleeping" y/f/n said while laughing. "Do you know if they're together?" Sebastian asked y/f/n "I don't think so why?" "I don't know, that really surprises me though, they obviously like each other."

You woke up to hear Sebastian, Nico and Y/f/n talking. "Oh look who's up" Nico said, "what time is it?" You said while standing up, "6:03am" y/f/n said "oh, okay." You said while walking to the fridge and grabbing the vodka. "Um, what are you doing?" Sebastian asked concerned. "Nothing, don't worry about it" you replied while pouring the vodka into a glass. "Y/n, it's 6 o'clock in the morning, your not having vodka." Nico said while grabbing the glass out of your hand. "Ooh Nico's looking after his girlfriend." Sebastian said teasing the two of you. "Shut up Sebastian." You said while sitting down.

After eating breakfast and having a lot of pain killers you ended up falling asleep on Nico again, eventually causing Sebastian and y/f/n to take a ton of photos of you and Nico.

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