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Marinette stood on her balcony leaning her arms on the railing. Admiring Paris and debating whether to tell Adrien she loves him or tell ChatNoir she's Ladybug. Tikki was in Marinette's room nomming on cookies.

Marinette blew some of her bangs out of her face. If only she had the courage to tell either secret. To her surprise she spotted ChatNoir leaping towards the bakery. He used his baton to get up on the balcony.

"Hello, Purr-incess I was wondering if I could pawssibly talk to you."

"Okay." Marinette said. sitting down against the wall that lead to her room. ChatNoir sat next to her.

"I never told you thank you."

"For what?"

"For taking care of me why I was past out. Ladybug told me what you did to protect my secret and I owe you."

Marinette was glad that ChatNoir was back even if he came locked a loaded with terrible puns.

"No, probably. I would've done it for Ladybug too."

She said. Trying to avoid ChatNoir figuring out she was Ladybug.

"But, Purr-incess, I couldn't do anything without you."

"Awe, you might make Ladybug jealous."

She teased. The truth of the matter was she couldn't do anything without him.

"Marinette, I want to talk about what I thought about when I was out."

Marinette knew it was something serious. He didn't call her princess and he held her hand.

"It's something I can never tell Ladybug but I have to tell you."

"Are you sure?"

Marinette didn't want to know something that would effect their partner ship as Paris's heroes.

"We were older. Late twenties or early thirties  I'm not sure. I was married to Chloé which I kind of thought I would end up with Ladybug. I know sounds funny right?"

Marinette was speechless. 'Did he just confess he's in love with Ladybug?'  ChatNoir used her silence as a sign to continue.

"Uh... You were there and you were married. Married to Felix Agreste."

"Felix?! I'm I can see me and Adrien but Felix?"

Marinette remarked blushing that she just confessed her feelings for Adrien.

"You.... see yourself with Adrien?"

ChatNoir shocked that he didn't see it earlier. Marinette tensed up.

"Ummmm... I planned everything out. Having.... three kids and pet hamster."

"Not a cat?"

ChatNoir teased as he realized how adorable she was.

"You didn't finish your story."

Marinette added trying to change the subject.

"I don't want to finish it."

"But.. but didn't you come here to tell me."

"Marinette, don't worry about it."

His demeanor changed he was more loose and completely comfortable with her maybe to comfortable.


Marinette muttered as she locked lips with the seductive black cat for the second time. But this time she was out of costume.

ChatNoir put his hand on the back of her head tangling his claws in her hair. He didn't know what he was doing but just knew he had to do it. He thought maybe Kagami would be the girl he would get over Ladybug with not Marinette. Kissing Marinette was the last thing on his mind. Purrs unintended vibrated from ChatNoir.


Marinette tired to pull away but she started to lean in instead. ChatNoir ended up laying on the ground with Marinette on top. Still lipped locked. Finally both of them realize how they were positioned.

"ChatNoir, we can't I.... like Adrien... and of course you like...  um... uh... Lady.. bug."

She stumbled on her words as she glanced at the cat. Neither knowing how ironic the situation was.

"You say that Purr-incess but here you are laying on top of me."

ChatNoir said with a wink and eyebrow roll.

"Down, kitty."

"I don't think I can go any lower."

He joked sitting up bringing Marinette up with him. He kissed the tip of her nose.

Cats Leave Paw Prints [*Completed*]Where stories live. Discover now