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Adrien's little network of friends seem odd to Felix. He never understood how his brother surrounded himself with people less superior than him. He felt sort of embarrassed for his brother.

"Felix?" Marinette asked.

"Yes, Dupain."

Felix replied while not talking his eyes off his book.

"Do you wanna come play with us?"

She asked. She thought maybe he would enjoy the beach more if he was having fun.


He answered not giving it a second thought. He was perfectly content with his book.

"Come on?"


She plopped down next to him. She was didn't want to go back and face Adrien.

"What are you reading?"

"Not important."

"If's it's not important then why are you reading it?"

"The white cat is good luck."

"I've read it. It's quite sad don't you think."

"No, I don't. The main characters don't like each other in a romantic way."

"I'm not talking about them. I talking about two dancers."

"The dancers? How so they end up with each other?"

"Didn't know you were such a romantic."

She teased. The story was similar to hers. They ended up with each other but at what cost.

"I'm not. To be a romantic you have to dream of someone in away that releases high doses of hormones."

"You mean love?"

"I guess."

"You haven't fell in love with someone have you?"

She asked curiously as she buried her toes in the warm sand.

"I don't know."

"How can you not know?"

"Marinette, most people don't comprehend love until their with someone. You however obviously know how you feel. I can see it on your face when Adrien is near you. Especially moments ago when you two nearly kissed."

"Uh... he wasn't gonna kiss me."

"He certainly wasn't smelling your breath."

He joked as Marinette made a annoyed face. They both laughed. Felix had a different laugh then Adrien's much different. Seeing them Adrien walked over. A little weary of them hanging out since he didn't want his alternate reality to become real.

"Marinette, come here."

Adrien said as to Felix's surprise. Adrien picked up Marinette who obviously couldn't look Adrien in the face for what happened early. Now to make matters worse Adrien was holding her bridal style.

Kim spotted this and decided to make it a competition. Whoever won was to be crown the strongest person in the class. Both Kim and shockingly Adrien were bragging on how much they could lift. Adrien put Marinette down as he went to finish his spat with Kim. Marinette pick up Felix who dropped his book in the sand.

"Boys, I think I win."

Marinette said effortlessly holding Felix in her arms. Felix was quite embarrassed since her actions caused the photographer that was there to take pictures of her holding Felix.

"Marinette, that's impressive."

Adrien said surprised that someone of Marinette stature could hold a person up.

"Put me down, Dupain."

Felix ordered. Waiting to break the photographers camera.

"Come on lighten up."

She said as she did what Felix told her.

"Never again, Dupain."

"But your so light."

Marinette joked taking tugs at Felix's ego. She knew he felt self conscious about being lifted by a girl. It was a guy thing what did she except however Adrien and ChatNoir didn't mind her lifting them up when she was Ladybug. Maybe it was just one of  her many charms.

"My book got sand on it."

Felix said shaking his book making sand fly everywhere. Felix thought for a moment. How was Marinette strong enough to lift him? She has a busy schedule? Was his first thought meeting her correct or was it just wishful thinking?

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