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Circe blew her loose strands of hair out of her face. As she opened the safe. Finally getting her Miraculous back.

"Circe, don't."

Gabriel said as he sat in his office chair in which his beloved wife tied him to.

"You know Duusu was corrupting you."

Gabriel said not wanting to see his wife go through the pain of switching back of forth from hero to villain.

"I know but I also know it's the only way to protect our sons and protect you."

She said as placed the broach on her jacket.
Duusu the peacock kwami appeared.


The kwami shrieked as glitter tears poured out of her eyes. She huge her wielder's face.

"That mean man took me and thought I would never see you again." Duusu said as she tried to get a handle on her emotions.

"Circe, you know that kwami's no good."

Gabriel stated afraid for his wife's safety.

"The Miraculouses were meant to be heroes not villains. And your lecturing me?"

Circe tried of Gabriel wanting to control everything. Gabriel was wearing his broach and had Nooroo start untying him. Circe noticed it but her response was a simple command.


With a flash of light Circe was no longer. Paon stood dressed in her dark blue dress, a mature version of what she used to wear in college. As soon as Gabriel was untied he gave a similar command turning him into Papillon.

"Give me your Miraculous!" Papillon yelled.


His tone was quite nonaggressive. She found it humorous.


She replied as she zoomed out the mansion him after her. She wanted to draw Papillon out into the open. Maybe just maybe Ladybug and ChatNoir were out patrolling.

To her surprise she  found them on a rooftop arguing about something to do with Adrien.
Her Miraculous power was speed it almost felt as if she was teleporting. She sat on the ledge with her feet dangling off. ChatNoir and Ladybug both looked at her.

"Don't mind little old me. Just wanting for Papillon."

The two heroes shot each glances.

"Your a Miraculous wielder aren't you?"

Ladybug asked. 'Is she a wielder or a akumatized victim?' She thought.

"I would hope so. I'm mean I figured if I was akumatized well we probably wouldn't be having a civilized conversation."

Paon said. Paon was kind of scatter brain. She looked sophisticated but when she spoke it was like talking to a kid on a sugar high.


Papillon yelled as he stood in the middle of Paris's street not sure were she went.

"Hey guys I know this is a little weird but can I have your Miraculous. I don't actually want them but I also don't want Papillon to have them."

ChatNoir and Ladybug just kind of stared at her in confusion.

"I'm not gonna take them by force. That's no fun. I want you two to just hand them to me."
Paon said.

"Is that Papillon?"

ChatNoir asked Ladybug pointing to Papillon standing in the street.

"I don't know let's find out."

Paon said knowing very well it was jumped off the ledge onto the ground gracefully. Ladybug and ChatNoir followed.

"Paon, give me your Miraculous."

Papillon said ignoring ChatNoir and Ladybug's presences.

"Let me think about it."

She paced back and forth acting as if she was considering it.

"I thought about it and the answer is no."

Paon was not going to have Papillon snuff out her superhero flame again. Ladybug held her yo-yo in her hand and ChatNoir held his baton. They were prepared to fight.

"Paon, you and Duusu are corrupting each other." Papillon said with genuine concern.

"Purr-haps, she can make her own choices." ChatNoir said.

"If you knew who was behind that mask, you'd be siding with me."

Papillon's words made ChatNoir shiver.

"Yah, you probably would but I got a say a least I'm not akumatizing people. So who's really the threat?"

Paon said throwing her husband under the bus.
Both ChatNoir and Ladybug could feel the tension rising.

"If you stayed I wouldn't have akumatized a soul."

"If you never took my Miraculous I would have never left."

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