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Ladybug saw'll tears form in ChatNoir's eyes.
'Why would she? Why would M'Lady be so cruel?' ChatNoir thought as he turned around and ran for the idea that his Bugaboo had kissed another man.

Ladybug looked at FireFox. FireFox knew in that moment that Ladybug had chosen ChatNoir over him and untangled her form the yo-yo. Young and emotional two qualities that could lead cause him to be akumatized. Ladybug was glad she didn't have to worry about that since he was a holder.

"Go get him."

FireFox said with equally broken heart. Ladybug trailed after her partner finding him in the one place she wouldn't have ever guess. Her balcony.


Ladybug said reaching hand out to touch his shoulder. ChatNoir sat curled up in a ball waiting for Marinette to come home. ChatNoir slapped Ladybug's hand waiting nothing to do with her. She sat next to him. Not saying any words for many minutes.

"Why?... why?... you know how I feel... so why?"

ChatNoir said between his sniffles.


Ladybug contemplated on what she was going to say. ChatNoir was in a very fragile state. Anything she said could make their partnership break beyond repairing.

"It feels like you cheated on me..."


"Please go.."

Ladybug realized he didn't want to see her. He wanted to see Marinette. 'What have I gotten myself into?' She asked herself as she jumped off the balcony. She walked a couple blocks down the street and detransformed in a alley.

She sighed as her kwami tucked herself in Marinette's purse. She walked debating what she was going to say to ChatNoir not as Ladybug but as Marinette.

She went in her room and acted as if she didn't know ChatNoir was out there. 'If he wants to talk he'll come in.' ChatNoir acting as if his heart was still intact came in threw the trap door.

"Hi, Chat."

"Hello, Purr-incess."

"How was patrol with Lady..."

Before she could finish her sentence ChatNoir hugged her. A hug was a great way to hide how he he truly felt. He didn't want the name Ladybug to exit his precious Princess's mouth. He also didn't want her to see him cry.

"Don't talk about her."

"Kitty... you need to..."

He hugged her tighter not wanting to ever fray for the emotional comfort that his Princess gave her.

"She broke something..... and I don't know if I can fix it."

"I'll help you... fix it."

"I know."

Marinette was tearing up also. She did this to him it was only right for her to help him fix it. She could find him a girl like Rose or maybe Alix. Someone that would appreciate his puns and treat him with the respect he deserves.

"Marinette, thank you."

Marinette tensed up. She didn't want him to thank her. She practically destroyed his crush.

"You're... welcome."

The parted from their extremely long hug. Not a tear on ChatNoir's face but she could tell he cried.



"Your such a good friend."

"I try to be."

Friends, that's all she wanted to be but yet those kisses they'd shared kept creeping into her mind.

"You never finished your story."

"I don't want to. It has a sad ending. And I'm not the one for sad endings. Call me a romantic but I purr-fur stories that end in happily every after."

"Sounds, purr-fect."

Marinette said making the pun just to cheer him up.

"Am I finally rubbing off on you, Purr-incess?"

"I can't say chat."

ChatNoir smiled at her clever pun replacing that with chat. 

"Your full of sur-purr-ises."

"Yes, I am. You could say I'm quite claw-ver."

She was glad something so simple as cat puns could make him smile even if it was just for moment.

Cats Leave Paw Prints [*Completed*]Where stories live. Discover now