Iced Coffee Love

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There were too many coincidences for this not to be him. Too many things were similar. His eyes, his hair, his voice, the fact that he had relatives living in Australia. This has got to be him and he had just helped you pick up all of your belongings. And now here you are, standing, just casually talking to him.

Your mind was reeling for a reasonable explanation behind all of this, when he abruptly asked you another question. "How long have you been in Korea?"

You were brought back to reality. You stopped staring at his covered face and replied as coolly as you could, "Oh, I actually won a 4 day trip here! It's my third day and I honestly can't believe how stunning this city is. It's a lot nicer than the photos!" you smiled at him politely, trying to keep your inner turmoil hidden.

He clapped his hands together and bounced in his spot, his eyes lighting up with child-like joy.

"Wow! I'll have to take you on a tour then! I know a lot of nice places here in Seoul. It would be criminal for you to not see them!" He exclaimed, rubbing his hands together in front of you, as if pleading to take you with him.

What you didn't tell him was that you'd already seen pretty much all of the tourist attractions here in Seoul with your tour guide. But there was no way you were turning down an offer like this from Jackson Wang himself.

You nodded enthusiastically, taking him up on his offer. He clapped again, making you laugh at how overly excited he seemed to be. His eyes crinkled into a stunning eye smile and he took your arm lightly and looped it around his. He did it so smoothly, you didn't even have time to contemplate what he had just done before he started leading you down the path you were headed earlier.

"Ah," he exclaimed suddenly; causing you to jump in surprise. "How rude of me! I forgot! What is your name, beautiful?" He looked down at you as you both walked, arms linked.

"Oh! It's Y/N..." You say shyly as you quickly look away to hike up your bag again out of habit. He fell silent as if he was deep in thought. You couldn't help but wonder if you made things awkward. You internally beat yourself up as you two continue to walk in silence for another minute. Thankfully, he speaks up again. "So.... Y/N, where were you off to this morning?" He asked, trying to fill the silence with casual chatter.

You look up at him to find him already staring at you, so you look away again quickly and realize you were going to have to pronounce the cafe's name to him with your horrible pronunciation. "Oh gosh, here we go", you muttered to yourself.

"I was actually going to this cafe I found yesterday. It's so yum! It's called... uh... Kee-Opp-Eenee? Yah, Yah-ng... Sorry... I can't pronounce it." You cringe at yourself and blush in embarrassment.

He laughs loudly beside you and shakes his head. You couldn't help but stare at him in complete horror and embarrassment. You hide your face in your free hand.

"It's okay," he continues to giggle, "I'm a foreigner too! I still get confused with pronunciations even though I've been here for a good 3 years now. Don't worry, it's really cute...You're really cute...Anyways, I know what cafe you are talking about."

He gently tightens his grip around your arm and continues forward towards the direction of the cafe. You slyly looked through your hair at his face. He still had laugh lines in his eyes. You huffed and continued walking beside him.

"So, where are you from then?" You ask him, trying to keep your eyes on a cute couple in front of you both instead of him. "I'm from Hong Kong! I moved here around 4 years ago for work." he stated, matter-of-factly.

That's when you knew for sure you were talking to Jackson Wang. It all fell into line...there's no reasonable explanation for all of these coincidences.

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