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If you were told even last week that you'd be walking in Seoul, arm in arm with Jackson Wang you would've laughed. Yet, here you were, talking and laughing along with each other. As you both began to walk into the Yangjae Flower Markets you started questioning where exactly he was taking you.

"Uh, why are we at the flower markets, aren't we going to Everland?" you asked him, completely confused. He glances down at you, a child-like excitement radiating off his expression and grins, before securing an arm around your waist.

"Look out, it gets really busy here." you felt your chest tighten as people begin to pool around you, "I would naturally get you flowers before I picked you up for this date, but since I can't do that I thought I'd come here and buy you some." you felt his eyes on you but you kept looking forward. You take a moment to recover your thoughts as you take a nervous sip of your iced drink.

"That's really sweet Jackson," you finally smile, looking up at him, "but there are so many flowers here, how on earth are we going to choose some?" you whine while looking through the sea of flowers on either side of you.

"That's okay, I know the perfect place. We'll be in and out, I promise." He practically squeals, keeping you close to him as you both walk briskly through the crowds.

He guides you through the market easily, as if he'd been there a thousand times and came to a stop, pointing towards a table with a proud smirk on his face. You look over and your heart swells with astonishment and joy. On the table between you and the florist laid beautiful bunches of Cherry Blossoms.

You gasp and cover your mouth with your hand, an automatic reaction you had to surprises and look up at Jackson with a huge grin.

"Oh. My. Gosh! This is unbelievable Jackson, they're so beautiful!" You exclaim, jumping up and down in your spot in pure excitement. You couldn't believe the fact that you were seeing your favourite flowers right in front of you.

You grab his hand subconsciously and run over to the display, a smile dancing freely on your lips. They were absolutely stunning up close. The lady behind the table smiles and turns towards Jackson, engaging in a conversation in Korean. You ignore them and continue ogling at the collection of flowers in front of you.

"Y/N." You turn to Jackson and he waves you over to him. Reluctantly you leave the bouquets and walk towards him, a smile still plastered on your face.

"Yes? What's up?" you ask, casually walking up beside him and leaning on the counter.

"So, which one do you want?" He asks you, pointing towards the Cherry Blossoms. Your eyes widen and you grip his pointing arm.

"Are you serious! They're really expensive..." You carefully exclaim, looking between him and the oblivious florist. He frowns a little behind his mask.

"Y/N! Your aegyo! Stop attacking me with your cuteness!" he exclaims, clutching his chest as if you'd actually hurt him.

"Babe, it's okay, go pick one! The way you smiled when you saw them made me happy." He unclasps your hands from his arm and pushes you playfully towards the flowers.

You hesitate at first due to the nickname he just gave you. But his eagerness made you quickly wipe that from your mind and turn your attention to the lady who yet again smiles widely at you.

"This one please!" you squeal, pointing towards the bouquet you had been eyeing off. The lady looks at the bunch you chose and gave you two thumbs up.

"Good choice!" she laughs before picking them up and taking them back to her station to wrap. You walk back towards Jackson and put two thumbs up with a childish grin.

{GOT7} FATEFUL ENCOUNTER || Jackson WangWhere stories live. Discover now