Alas We Meet

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Strolling down the streets of Seoul still seemed so surreal to you. It wasn't long ago you'd been dreaming of doing such a thing. You'd gotten a call around about a week ago saying that you had won a 4 day, all expenses paid, trip to Seoul, South Korea.


Entering a competition wasn't really something you liked doing. You knew that your family had no luck with such things, but it was a trip to Seoul so there was no way you were just going to sit around and let such an awesome opportunity go to waste! Even as you entered your details, you still had little faith that you'd actually win such a prestigious holiday. But unbeknownst to you, God had different plans.

You woke up on a normal Saturday morning to the sound of your iPhone blaring beside you. Groggily you sat up on your arm and looked at the caller ID... it was an unknown phone number. The first thing that raced through your mind was, 'Could this be the call that changes my life?' With a stomach full of butterflies, you answered the phone, "Hello, this is Y/N speaking." As the person on the other end of the line started talking, you sighed an utterance of disappointment, it was only a telemarketer. You were about to hang up when you heard the voice scream the words you'd only dreamed of hearing.

"YOU'VE WON THE TRIP TO SEOUL!" In that moment you had never felt more alive in your life! Your eyes shot open and you jumped out of your bed, screaming in disbelief. "Oh my gosh, thank you so much! You have no idea how much this all means to me!" You exclaimed into your mobile. You heard laughing on the other end of the line, "That's absolutely fine! Make sure to check your email to accept your winnings! We can't wait to hear about your experience! Have fun!"

You thanked them profusely before hanging up. You ran to the computer to check your emails, slightly shaking. Sitting right at the top of your inbox was your winning email and you screamed again in joy. "MUM! I WON! I ACTUALLY WON MUM!" You cry as you ran through the house to where she sat on the couch. She shrieked as well and hugged you tight as you sobbed into her shoulder.


You were suddenly knocked back into reality when your purse and all its contents fell sporadically all over the pavement you were walking along. "죄송합니다" you hear a guy say as you bend down to pick up your stuff. "It's fine." you say back to him. Unexpectedly, he bends down beside you and starts helping you pick up your things. His face is covered by one of those cool medical masks that Korean celebrities often wear and you couldn't help but smile at how culturally different it was here compared to Australia. He picks up your bag and helps you slip it back over your shoulder. Your smile widens further at the chivalry this man was presenting; you would of never gotten this type of kindness back in your home country.

Quickly, he guides you, hands on your shoulders, to the side of the path away from the hustle and bustle of the busy pavement. There, he started speaking again, "I'm really sorry for knocking you over! I can't believe I was so busy looking at my phone to not see such a pretty woman walking in front of me." His eyes squinted; he was obviously smiling behind his mask. You couldn't help but blush at the compliment. He spoke English so well considering he is from South Korea! He barely had an accent as he talked to you. The only thing that gave him away was his few grammar mistakes, which were surprisingly adorable.

As you two talked, he picked up on your accent, "Australian?" he asked as you fiddled with your bag placed on your shoulder. You looked at him in surprise, "Wow! Yes! How'd you figure that out?" you asked completely taken aback that he would know that. He nodded and smiled again, "Oh I have family that lives there, it's easy to point out Australians." He chuckled and continued talking to you. As he did though, you started to get this feeling you knew this man. There was something about his kind eyes and sweet words that made him seem so familiar. As he continued chatting away, you continued to try and work out who you were talking to. Then it clicked.

Am I talking to Jackson Wang?

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