The Date

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The moment you had arrived at Everland Park you decided the first thing you needed to do was stretch out your tired limbs, he really wasn't kidding when he'd said it was going to be a long drive. Once you'd stretched enough to know you wouldn't be walking around like a robot you turned to see Jacksons masked face, although a little disappointed you mentally scold yourself, knowing that there was no way he could walk around freely with you in such a popular place like this.

You both walked to the already lengthening line up at the entrance of the park and gasp in complete horror when you caught sight of the monstrous T Express.

"Woah... That's HUGE!" You stared up at the massive ride in terror.

"Yeah let's avoid that one..." Said Jackson, grabbing your hand and pulling you into the park.

"Like the plague..." You agreed, eyes still glued to the scary roller coaster.


Once inside you both decided the best course of action was to go on the Safari Ride available, something you'd never have been able to experience in Australia.

"Look!" You exclaim, tugging on Jacksons arm. Outside the window stood a trained black bear.

"It's so smart, how could they possibly train a bear..." You heard him snicker beside you as you continue to watch them all in awe.

"The same way you train any animal Y/N." He said, joining you to look outside.

"So cute." You hear him coo beside you and turn to agree with him, only to find him looking at you, grinning. Feeling completely embarrassed you try to look away as fast as possible, feeling your cheeks burn from the awkward situation.

"Yeah, they're all the cutest." You choke out, barely. He laughed again and went to sit back down beside you.


After your awkward encounter with Jackson on the Safari Ride you tried your best to keep the conversation completely focused on either the rides you both came across or what it was like to live in Korea. You were both thrown into a sudden lapse of silence when you came across the ride called "Kpop Hologram" and decided this was something you had to experience and immediately grabbed his jacket sleeve and ran towards the entrance.


"That... Was... AMAZING!" You squeal, gripping onto Jackson as you walk out of the "concert". The previous awkward air completely vanishing as you fangirled over the holographic Idols you'd just seen, covering your mouth in complete shock you spun around to him, "It seemed so real! It felt like Big Bang was RIGHT in front of me!" You cried. Even though you tried to hold back your inner fan-girl it came bursting out but it didn't faze Jackson in the slightest though as it seemed he was dealing with the same feelings too.

"I know! If I reached out I could've touched G-Dragon! That was crazy!" You saw his eyes mimic those of your own starstruck ones and you couldn't help but laugh.

"You're such a little fan boy." You accuse, giggling at the frown on his face.

"What do you mean? You're fangirling too! How come I cant fanboy!" His raised voice only made you laugh even harder. You pat him on the shoulder, "I just didnt expect that! It's so cute!" you coo as you giggled and continue to walk on through the park.

It wasn't long before you realised that Jackson wasn't walking beside you anymore. You spin around and look through the crowds of people trying to find a familiar face but to no avail.

"He was right here... Wasn't he?" You begin to panic. There's no way you could yell his name right? He'd be exposed. Dam-

Right in the middle of your melt down you felt a tap on your shoulder and spin around to see Jackson standing there, the same wild look of panic in his eyes. Before you could say anything he pulled you into a tight hug and you had no issues in holding him back. You were so relieved he hadn't just left.

{GOT7} FATEFUL ENCOUNTER || Jackson WangWhere stories live. Discover now