The Plans

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He took off his mask casually so he could to take a proper sip of his coffee. But there was nothing casual about it in your eyes. It all became excruciatingly real. Here in front of you sat Jackson Wang. You're going to be spending the WHOLE day with Jackson of GOT7... could your life get any better? As you watched him delicately sip on his straw, you began stumbling over the next lot of questions you wanted to ask.

"S-so, is this the reason you wanted a pr-private booth?" He glanced up at you and lazily shrugged. You realized you were still staring and cleared your throat before looking away, trying to find something or someone to distract yourself with. In the corner of your eye you see a sly smirk creep up onto Jackson's face and you couldn't help but mentally hit yourself, you can't be so careless!

"I guess so. My fans are pretty protective of me, so if they saw me having coffee with such a beautiful girl, they'd be quite upset. I don't want you getting any hate over this." Completely stunned by his words, you took this chance to take a slight peek back towards him only to see him already smiling at you. Blushing while trying not to seem too overwhelmed, you give him a small smile of gratitude.

"It makes it feel like a real date too." He adds, winking at you whilst he drank more of his coffee. You took in a sharp breath of disbelief and suddenly started coughing in front of him. He stopped drinking immediately and shot up in alarm. You put your hand up, waving him back down, letting him know that you were okay.

"You keep saying date..." you state once your little attack was over, "Why? Do you know what that does to a poor fangirl's heart like mine?" You shook your head and took another sip to calm yourself down.

He looks at you aghast and just starts laughing hysterically. You look up at him, wide-eyed. "What~~?" You ask completely shocked and embarrassed by his explosive outburst of laughter. He shook his head and continued laughing at your shocked expression.

You couldn't help but smile at him, his laugh was the cutest thing you'd ever seen and now you're experiencing it up close.

"So, that coughing attack you had just now was because of what I said?" He breathed, still chuckling over your comment you made. He shakes his head and grins at you, "너무 귀여워"

You look at him confused, "Huh? What does that mean?" He shakes his head and changes the subject, leaving you in the dark. You swear you'd heard those words before but you just can't place what they mean at the moment.

"Okay, this is my game plan," he begins, grabbing his phone out of his pocket and typing something, "I'm going to take you somewhere. I've been jealous of those cute couples lately and I want you to experience it all with me. It's going to be so much fun!" He glances up at you from his phone and smiles before letting his attention fall back to whatever he was researching.

"Ah, here!" He exclaims and turns his phone so that you could see what he was talking about. You place your hand over his out of habit to still his slightly shaking grip on his phone. In your peripheral view, you swore you saw Jackson blush but you quickly wiped it from your mind, afraid that you might have yet another mini heart-attack. In the picture you saw the name "Everland Amusement Park" written on the sign underneath the Hangul. You were impressed! The tour guide never took you there, it was completely foreign to you.

"I plan on starting here with our date and then we can head to Han River and have a picnic! Is there anywhere you'd like to visit?" You knew where you wanted to go before he'd even asked. It's a place that had been in so my dramas so you knew you just had to visit it.

"This is going to sound super cheesy," you start off, looking away awkwardly, "but I've always wanted to experience Namsan Tower at night?" You squeeze your eyes shut, waiting for his explosion of laughter but heard no retort.

{GOT7} FATEFUL ENCOUNTER || Jackson WangWhere stories live. Discover now