Only The Beginning

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You were relieved when you arrived to the car, the wind had just begun to pick up and it was getting a little too cold for you to manage. You jumped inside and quickly buckled up your seatbelt in anticipation for the next stop, Namsan Tower. This was a place you'd been wanting to visit for so long and now you finally were and with Jackson Wang of GOT7 no less. Jackson was quiet when he too hopped in the car, he'd taken off his mask but looked to be thinking intently about something.

The driver started the car and drove off towards Namsan and you sat there for quite some time looking back and forth between the scenery and Jackson's face. Your curiosity had just about gotten the best of you when Jackson told the driver to stop outside a random store on the side of the road, he hopped out the car quickly.

"Wait, where are you going?" You ask, concerned at this sudden turn of events, he looked at you and then back to the driver.

"I wont be too long, I've just got to pick something up! I'll be right back..." He shut the door and ran into this small shop.

Five minutes later he opened the door and jumped back inside.

"We're all set, lets keep going!" He told the driver. You looked at him slyly, he had his hands in his pockets, obviously hiding something from you. You thought about asking him what was in his pocket but knew better. If he wanted you to know, he would've told you. He seemed awfully smug though, the corner of his mouth turned up in a wry smile, what could he be up to?

You both finally arrived at the base of the tower, your dreams coming true, all thanks to Jackson. You smile at the beautiful structure and although you could feel the cold breeze against your skin, giving you goosebumps, you were undeniably ecstatic that you were here. You both begin your ascent up the tower and before long your face lights up when you see all the different styles of locks decorating the railings of the stairs. You slowly make your way over to a few of them, Jackson walking close behind you.

"This is so cute!" You exclaim, reading all the names and messages that were in English. You turned to ask him if he could read you the ones in Korean, but were shocked to see what he held in his hands.

A Lock.

"What's that for?" You stared at the little pink lock he held in his hands. Is he insinuating what you think he is? Before you could question his action any further he pulled out a black permanent marker.

"I've always wanted to share something like this with someone," He smiles longingly, looking down at the lock before looking back up and meeting your surprised expression, "and I can't think of someone better than you right now." You felt your eyes widen as a wave of shock ran through your body. You could hear your heart thumping madly, and feel the swarm of butterflies take over your stomach. Pure happiness was all that you felt in that moment, and your face couldn't hide that.

He opened the marker and you watched as he wrote his initials, 'J.W.' and your initials on the lock before drawing a heart around them. He reached out his hand that held lock to you, "Would you like to do the honours Y/N?" You grinned madly and swiftly took the lock from him, turning to find a spare place on the railing.

It wasn't long before you found an opening and locked it there securely. Turning you saw that he had taken off his mask and had his arms wide open, as though he planned to take flight, looking up towards the night sky he yelled, "Today is the day I met the sweet and hilarious Y/N, may there be many more to come!"

You laughed at his grand display and smacked him playfully on the shoulder, trying to get him to be quiet and not attract any more attention than he already had. He chuckled at your embarrassment and started walking up the stairs towards the top of the tower. You took the moment to turn and take a quick photo of yours and his' lock before running to join him.

{GOT7} FATEFUL ENCOUNTER || Jackson WangWhere stories live. Discover now