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I woke up senseless in the middle of the night. Eyes swollen with tears pouring out, the taste of alcohol present and my long hair spread across the bed sheets with both arms folded on my head.

"It hurts to remember, It pains to forget".

Why would I still hold on to those memories after countless of neurons erased, countless nights finally comfortable with my own presence and not yours, countless bottles of poison that drown my true feelings.

I showed a glance of my true​ self to the moon, as the stars witnessed pain in the most ominous of ways. I keep myself company during all of this because no one else will, nor will I let them. Not again.

She did not scar me...

She swiftly, silently and effectively reopened old wounds that took me years to heal. Now im back at square one. No big deal.

So may Morpheus, Moon, Stars and Galaxy alike bear witness to my second process of
self destruction.

It hurts to remember, It pains to forget...

...the night it all went away.

Pensamientos que naufragan en el mar de los IncomunicadosDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora